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Taehyung wasn't your ordinary idol. What made him so different and unique was his bubbly, forward and friendly personality. He genuinely loved making friends and succeeded at it with ease.

Of course things were different now. Ever since he had found himself in a 10-foot deep hole that just happened to be inside his very own mind, but in the desolate dark parts of it, he tried to avoid social interactions all together. To say it was lonely and cold was an understatement because Taehyung couldn't be in company, friendly or not, even if he desperately needed to.

He wanted to reach out. Not for talking or venting or seeking help. No that was out of question. But rather to just be social, to try to be himself again for the sake of hoping that it would be a good effort to keep up his 'I'm okay' facade.

It hurt him a little. That this same facade had to be put up around someone as special as Seokjin. His life, his love. He didn't want to do that to him. But he didn't want to burden the older with his evergrowing demons either.

Taehyung consoled himself by saying he was, ultimately, committing the lesser sin.

Yet he tried to be social. And even though it wasn't really an effort with certain people like his late night talks with Seokjin or the occasional dinners with the wooga squad or meet ups with his other hyungs outside of bangtan, it was still tiring, nonetheless. He couldn't help the bone deep exhaustion that would settle in after some of those interactions.

Back to the late night talks though. Those were never exhausting. They were rather a source of rejuvenation. Because taehyung had decided that there was nothing more peaceful and pleasant than hearing seokjin's beautiful calm, elegant voice while staring into his dark cocoa eyes.

Those nights were not rare but not as often as Taehyung would like them to be. Their restless schedule was to blame for that. And yet that only made the younger enjoy every moment of it even more than he could.

His most recent interaction or rather communication had been a phone call with none other than his once co-worker and dear hyung, Choi Minho.

It had been a rough couple of months for SHINEE. And Taehyung had been able to tell from Minho's voice that all of it was catching up to him. The younger had asked for his well being and the other members and the conversation had become silent for a couple of minutes for the older didn't want to lie but didn't want to burden the other either.

Taehyung felt the hesitation in the silence and then the attempt to pretend that it was all okay. And then he wondered if the frustration and concern he was feeling right now was exactly what his members felt with him when he stubbornly refused to talk.

If he was being honest, it wasn't a great feeling and he mentally apologised to his hyungs and Kook. But he didn't dwell on it for much longer. Right now, he needed to make Minho relax and let his emotions out.

"Hyung.. I know you aren't okay. And that is okay. But if you want to talk, I really am here to listen. I'll listen, I promise," . A few more similar, heartfelt phrases later and Minho was almost sobbing as he told Taehyung about how he felt.

Soon after, Minho felt himself feeling lighter and even though Taehyung was concerned with all he had been told, he felt relieved to hear the lightness in his hyung's voice.

The conversation, thereafter, took a more light hearted turn as both young men conversed about other things.

Minho had tried to ask about how Taehyung was doing but the younger had expertly dodged an in-depth explanation and replied with a quick "As handsome and fine as I can be, Hyung!" and then launched into how the members were doing and fondly reciting the goofness his fellow maknaes indulged in.

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