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4300 words.

** MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING. This chapter was even triggering for me to write and my hands are still shaking..So please be careful. I don't want any of you to feel worse or bad reading this. so please be careful.**

"I'll pretend until you believe again that I am okay".


I am never opening up to anyone ever again.

"No way," Taehyung stated immediately as the question was thrown at him.

Seokjin and Taehyung had reluctantly yet satisfyingly left Tae's room for lunch. They didn't feel the necessity at that moment to say anything, rather to just feel the incandescent emotions they were feeling, after a long time.

And all was as normal until the idea of a psych evaluation was proposed towards the end.

"It's not that bad.." Taehyung added.

"Taehyung.." Yoongi began. "It doesn't matter if it's not bad as long as there is something bothering you."

"I-", Taehyung struggled to find the words to protest. "I lost two very close people to me and I am still reeling from that. That's all it is." He finally said looking at them with as much confidence as he could to assure, convince them.

"And we understand but it's really hurting you. And you aren't dealing with it properly." Jimin responded gently.

Dealing. There was that word again.

How was he supposed to deal with it? So what if he almost drowned by drinking too much? He still toured, performed at the concerts and fulfilled his idol duties to the best of his abilities.

"It was an accident. It happened once..okay? Once!", Taehyung stressed on the word 'once'.

Jungkook sighed and shook his head. "Hyung..the thing is, it happened. You've got to admit that you are not stable. What if it happens agains?".

The maknae had known his youngest hyung since he was merely a teen. He had grown up with Taehyung and it was ultimately his hyung who helped him break out of shell and shine like a pearl.

Through facing the hardships and growing together, they had grown to understand each other so well it was like they were one. And Jungkook knew that Taehyung wasn't stable and he wasn't afraid to speak his mind. They had kept their mouths tight shut but not anymore.

Taehyung was baffled as he stared back at the Maknae, more so glared. Unstable? He wasn't unstable.

Was he?

He definitely wasn't. He couldn't be. It wasn't like he was making reckless decisions and being in ultimate destruction mode. He wasn't bursting at people for no reason. He wasn't abusing substances. A drink or two in a while didn't count.

He was not unstable.


"Unstable? Seriously? I am not Unstable!", By now Taehyung was fuming with anger, shocking everyone at the dining table when he stood up with his fists clenched.

Where was his resolve? Where was his calm attitude?

Because he wasn't like this. He was not this short tempered.

Why was he getting so agitated? Was the idea of getting help really that revolting?

It wasn't that absolute but rather much more perceptive. Rather it was the denial of knowing that there was something wrong with him. And even though he knew there was something wrong, the indication, the chance of it being a fact perturbed him.

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