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"In the midst of fulfilling the responsibilities, duties, promises that have been engraved in our life, we start forgetting that pain doesn't disappear with time but only amplifies and the ability to conceal it becomes a skill"


That day Taehyung was not seen until the members were leaving for their flight.

Taehyung wore a large autumn-themed cardigan that reached his knee and covered his injured hands. He had a black shirt underneath but his collarbones were on full display.

Seokjin was definitely worried about Taehyung but he couldn't take his eyes off the younger for another reason as well. He really wanted Taehyung to open up to him and not ignore him like he was doing so right now.

It wasn't only the oldest ignored but actually everyone, although Taehyung knew very well that he was being extra cold with his eldest hyung.

He didn't want to feel anything. Just numb. And although he had succeeded in shutting his emotions out, Taehyung knew that if he talked to Seokjin he wouldn't be able to keep his emotions in control. He'd end up telling the older about the glass, how much worse he was feeling. He'd break down all over again for the second time in the day.

And that was the last thing he wanted right now. He wanted to close himself off completely and suffer alone.


It had been two months since they had landed in the states and been in north america. Bangtan had been excessively busy with interviews,the AMAs, travelling continuously between cities and states, holding concerts for their armys and whatnot.

They had all seen how Taehyung had changed completely.

His skin had gotten pale, he had lost weight and his collarbones were more prominent than ever before. His face was usually blank, his eyes staring at nothing, lost, and his usually cheerful personality was gone, replaced by a quiet and dull one.

They knew the second youngest was still healing but they could see his healing process was stuck in one place. Though whenever they sat down to talk to him, Taehyung would find one excuse or the other to avoid talking.

They had barely heard his voice over the last two months other than being on stage or for other official works. Truthfully the only time they would see him genuinely happy these days was when he was on stage, performing for armys and interacting with them.

Seokjin was able to get any of the members' walls down, even the great Min yoongi's but even he was having trouble getting through to the younger.

However, the North american leg of the tour was over and they were returning to Korea tomorrow and the boys were determined to make Taehyung feel better and talk to them.

Taehyung had quietly left for his room after the final concert. The members had looked at him with concern but nonetheless refrain themselves from saying anything.

They would be able to sort it out soon enough and their old taehyung would be back.

Back in Taehyung's room, the younger was planning to take a shower. Showers were honestly the most relaxing to Taehyung. After a long tiring day he would be able to gather his thoughts and relieve stress.

Truthfully he didn't know when he had become stuck. Stuck in an endless cycle of thoughts in his mind. He couldn't stop himself from blaming his loved ones death on himself.

At the beginning he felt sad like he could cry a river but now he simply felt empty, numb and confused. He would get sleepless nights or sleep with nightmares.

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