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Is it wrong?

Yeah no shit

Should I be ashamed of myself for feeling this way?

Ofc! Should've fallen for someone outside your band.

For him?

He's like your younger brother.... 

Are we possible


Will he ever feel the same?

No ofc not

I should stop.

Yeah you should

Yeah, just suppress the feelings, that's easy right?

Yeah you should ...but it'll be hell

I have been asking these questions for a bit of time now and my head gives me an answer that conflicts with another part of me every time. I know the answer yet I don't know it.

It's like my mind is at war and it's a war that no one will ever win. Though the blood will be lost, the heart will still be shattered and the emotions will still be a tornado of confusion.

"Hyung?". I snapped out of my thoughts as a deep gentle voice made its way to my ears.

"Yeah what is it tae?". I replied sighing while still staring at the ceiling.

"Breakfast was really good but why'd you leave without eating?"

"Ah I wasn't feeling very hungry though I did have some cereal before you all woke up, so I'm good and ofc the breakfast was good, i made it". I said looking at him with a smile.

"hyung, arrogant much," he said shaking his head smiling lightly. "And we're leaving in 15, don't be late!" he said sticking his tongue out before running out the door giggling.

"Yah! It's you and Jimnie who's always late!"I shouted as he left.

I couldn't help but smile. He's like this light that could light up the darkest room. You can feel these waves of felicity from him and you can see his eyes sparkle with luminosity and this eagerness to have fun.And yet again i was lost in my thoughts.


Third person POV

He continued to stare at the ceiling smiling, his smile occasionally turning into a frown as his thoughts were yet again fighting with each other. He was confined to his room, the four walls, the furniture but he felt as though he wasn't there.

He felt as though he was trapped in a cage with no reality but just moments of transitioning feelings from feeling a certain kind of warmth to pure guilt and shame.  

It was a natural reminder or that his brain was finally worn out from the battle, but he had exited his world to meet with sudden realisation that he was awfully very late.

He looked at the clock and his eyes widened as he merely had...no time left. The broad-shouldered man jumped off his bed and hurriedly rummaged through his closet searching for the right clothes.

His roommate would surely be bewildered at the mess he had made but he made a note to himself to clean it up later as he ran out of his shared room.

He was greeted by his fellow band members standing at the front door, waiting quite patiently than usual but soon he understood why.

"Don't even say it," he said as he glared at Jimin who was smirking.

"Well hyung-"

"Jiminie-ah, do you want to die today?," Namjoon asked from behind him.

"But...fine", he sighed and the others chuckled at the oldest maknae's cuteness as they made their way into the van.


A/N: so here is the first chapter...hope you like it! Pls comment, vote and share, it would mean the world to me. Have a good day or night! Anneyong! Fighting! Love ya'll!

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