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"Sometimes silence is more concerning than tears".


The next day folded in and Seokjin had left the younger's room, after he succeeded in not waking up the younger as he exited, without knowing the whole reason of why Taehyung had been so gravely upset.

Though he had concluded that it definitely had something to do with the youngers Grandmother's death, he still felt there was more to it.

Now, Seokjin sat at the breakfast table of the hotel's dining room. All the members were here except for, of course, Taehyung. The oldest sighed for the millionth time.

"Hyung. How is tae?", Jimin asked as he sat down beside the oldest with a plate of eggs and bacon.

"He's okay. I still don't exactly know what's going on," Seokjin replied.

"Then how do you know that he's okay?", Jimin said with a tensed expression.

"Jimin-ah..I don't know. I-".

"Oh god.." Namjoon interrupted Seokjin as his eyes widened as he looked at his phone.

"What?", Seokjin asked in confusion.

"Ui soo, a korean model, killed himself yesterday. He was found dead in his apartment," Namjoon said as he sat down beside Jimin, his eyes still wide.

"Wait Ui soo?", Jimin repeated as he looked at Namjoon surprised. "That's Taehyung's friend, wait oh-". And the oldest Maknae's eyes widened in realization.

"That's why he kept asking why they left.." Seokjin mumbled as his mind processed everything.

"So that's why Taehyung was acting strange yesterday," Hoseok said.

"I'm gonna go up to his room," Jungkook announced as he got up. "I'm not letting him deal with the pain all alone." and with that the youngest left to get his youngest hyung.

The two came back after 10 minutes and Taehyung held an annoyed expression on his face as Jungkook pulled him by his arm to the table.

Taehyung's hair was all over the place, his clothes looked like he had just put them on because they hung unevenly on his sleek body and he kind of smelled like wine. The members took note of that but decided to keep their mouth shut for the while.

Jungkook pulled up a chair beside his and gently pushed Taehyung to sit. He went to the food counter and returned with it filled, placing it in front of Taehyung.

"Why the royal treatment kook-ah?" Taehyung said as he massaged his temples.

"Just enjoy it hyung," Jungkook said rolling his eyes.

"You have a headache?"Namjoon asked concerned..

"Uh yeah probably because-" Last night's events hit Taehyung like a bullet train. The reality splashed him in the face like cold water as he woke from his sleep.

He looked at Seokjin wide eyed as his mouth hanged open like a fish unable to form or say any words. Seokjin registered the younger's panic and stepped in.

"Taehyung didn't get a good sleep. Now Tae eat up. Breakfast is about to end soon" Seokjin said with a reassuring smile.

Taehyung simply looked down at his food and slowly ate trying to steady himself mentally.

The others didn't believe that for a second and exchanged worried glances. They put two and two together and they quite well knew why taehyung smelled like wine. The five boys also knew that Seokjin knew more of the situation than them. And it hurt them. Only a little bit though. Of course the first priority was Taehyung's well being

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