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I had asked the other members to leave me by myself for a bit and although they were reluctant to, they let me be. The truth was I still couldn't accept reality. A part of me did but a part of me was telling me that was what happening was impossible.

I was stuck in my dilemma and I was continuously getting stuck in my head. So much had changed in merely 10 hours.

I had lost my grandmother but it felt like I had lost a part of myself. She had helped me find who I was. I had learned so much from her.

And now she was gone...

I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts. I stopped at the familiar contact and stared at it, contemplating on whether I should dial it or not.

I took a deep breath and clicked on the contact, pressing on the call icon.

With my hands shaking slightly I held the phone to my ear, hearing the consistent ring of the phone.

"Hello...Taehyung?," A soothing, sweet yet tired voice inquired.

I gulped and opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. With my mouth hanging open, I just stared into the open, my mind blank.


I shook my head as I realised that I was still on call. My mind raced to find the words to speak. But I finally managed to stutter out.


"Taehyungie...sweetie how are you?," She said before sighing, in what I believed was relief.

"I don't know Eomma...I don't know," I said as tears started pooling again in my eyes.

'Oh tae...can you come home?," She asked.

I obviously couldn't.

We were only a few weeks away from a comeback and practice was going to be intense in the coming weeks because of that. And even though the members and bang pd nim wouldn't stop me but rather encourage me to go, I couldn't be that selfish.

As much as I wanted to be in my mother's arms and with my dad, in my house, I couldn't leave the family I had here.

"I can't Eomma...you know that," I said lowly.

"Of course you can't ...you're an idol," She said. "And what about the burial day? I assume you can't even come to that."

I nodded my head but I realised she couldn't see that.

"Y-y-yeah I c-can't," I said as my voice cracked and I held back a sob as I covered my mouth.

'Taehyung...don't cry. It's not your fault. You have a job, a passion and you need to stay committed and focused. And You know your halmoni would hate to see tears on that beautiful face of yours,"she explained.

At the word 'Halmoni', I couldn't hold it anymore. I let out a cry and sobbed. I put the phone down beside me, facing down, and tried to control myself.

I took a deep breath for the millionth time and picked up the phone once again.

"I know Eomma but it hurts..it hurts so much,". I said as tears ran down my face.

"Taehyung..you know why I am so calm right now?" She asked.

"No why?," I replied.

"Taehyung-ssi, she's happy. She lived a fulfilling life and she was happy. In her last moments, she told me that she didn't want any of us to sulk before she was leaving..happily with no regret. She said she was leaving being proud of the boy, her grandson had grown up to become. She left with a smile and proud. Your halmoni is smiling looking at you from heaven and she would never want you to be this upset..understand?". My mother explained in her calming voice.

"Yes Eomma...I do understand but I can't just stop being hurt by this, can I?," I asked in a defeated voice.

"No, no my dear you can't but heal knowing it's what would make your halmoni happy..knowing that would be what she wanted."

"Thanks so much Eomma..I love you so much," I said as tears resurfaced.

"I am your Eomma..don't say that and I love you so very much Taehyung..and now go take some rest and be with your hyungs..I'm sure they will help you through this."

And as if on cue, the door opened to reveal Jin hyung. On seeing me on the phone, he started retreating but I motioned him to stay with my other hand.

"I will Eomma..bye".

"Bye dear". And with that I ended the call.

Jin hyung walked up to my bed and sat at the foot of it and looked at me with a small smile etched on his beautiful perfect face.

"Eomma?," He asked.

I nodded.

"Feeling any better?". He inquired.

"A little bit...", I replied. He nodded with his smile a little wider.

We sat there in the comfortable silence, my eyes on my lap. You could only hear our slow breathing and the tick of the clock on the wall nearby. I looked up to see what Jin hyung was doing and I met his eyes, looking at me fondly.

"Something on my face?," I asked touching my face here and there.

"No..just observing." he replied simply.

"Observing what?," I asked curiously.

"Observing the fact that such a beautiful, amazing and perfect boy like you deserves everything good." he said smiling.

I could feel my face getting hot as Jin hyung said those things. I smiled and chuckled lightly.

"Thanks hyung..".

He moved closer to me.

"And If I am being honest, Your grandmother must be so proud to have a grandson like you," He said.

"Hyung..can y-you hug m-me?", I asked shakily as I felt that I could start crying any minute now.

Now it was Jin hyung's turn to blush but he still nodded so as to say yes and moved over to sit beside me. He got under the blanket and brought my head to lay on his chest.

I snuggled up into his chest with hands on his waist as he combed through my hair. My heart was beating faster at the close proximity but in a few minutes it had regained its normal pace as I felt hyung's heartbeat.

I felt safe in his embrace and I wished we could stay like this forever. My eyes started getting droopy from all the crying and I fell asleep in hyung's arms.

a/n: Sooo much dialogue right? I'm sorry but it was needed. Happy holidays! Enjoy! Also, don't forget to vote and comment. Stay strong! Have a good day or night! Love ya! Annyeong!

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