Chapter 3: A Small Test

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Yang POV

After meeting Isis, Ruby have become observe with trying to make him her friends, but the thing is...

Ruby: We can't find him anywhere!

Yang: Relax sis, I'm sure you will meet him in class.

Weiss: Why are you even trying to be friend that jerk?

Blake: You sound more like a jerk than he do.

Weiss: Oh really now.

Yang: I have to agree with Blake on this one, when we met you raise your voice on him and he just said "hello", when we ask him about what happen between you two, he say it was his fault. And now I starting to doubt that it was his fault, just what happen between you two?

Weiss: Like I said already he is a jerk and we shouldn't interact with him.

Blake: But we only heard your side of the story, we haven't hear his side. So we can't just judge him like that.

As we go to Mrs Goodwitch class see didn't see her there.

Yang: I wonder where is Mrs Goodwitch?

Pyrrha: Maybe she is running a little late.

Ruby: Isis still isn't in class.

Then the door open as Mrs Goodwitch walk in it a huge bubble behind her, inside it was Isis who was holding an axe guitar.

Glynda: Sorry for being late class, I was busy finding Mr Lost here.

Isis: Why do you even want me here?

Glynda: It only been 2 day and you skip every classes already, as punishment you will be sparing with team today.

Isis: Isn't that unfair?

Glynda: Oh I almost forgot you will also have detention after class.

Isis: Great, I'm fill with excitement for today. 

Glynda: But if you can defeat 3 teams then you won't have to go to detention and I will give you a pass that you can use to skip 1 class a day.

Isis: Alright then.

Pyrrha: Professor, isn't that unfair?

Glynda: Yes it is. But life isn't fair to begin with, this is kinda be a test for him. So does we got any volunteer?

Right after she said this, immediately Cardin raise his hand.

Cardin: We will be his opponents professor.

Glynda: Alright then , Isis you can go get your gear and we will be-

Isis: No need for that I'm always ready for combat.

He just walk to the arena, facing team CRDL

Russel: So the music boy think he stand a chance again us, what a loser.

Isis: *sigh* It would be ashamed if you four lost under 1 minutes.

Cardin: Try to sound tough now are we. I gonna enjoy beating the shit out of you.

Isis: I like to see you try.

Isis pull out some kind of device, he but it on his waist as it turn to a belt, he then pull out something green.

Cardin: Huh?


Isis: Henshin.

He put the green thing put in his belt and turn it,  as he raise his hand pointing one finger at Cardin and his team as the wind some how appear around him, we in door.

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