Chapter 21: Over Come

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Team AID where getting ready for their mission after sometime off, both Isis and Dav are changing their bandages.

Alex: How are your guy doing?

Dav: Moving hurt a little but it doing ok.

Isis: I will be find.

Alex: Great then let go.

Isis: Alex, are you sure about this?

Alex: Yeah.

The three of them walk out as they are making their way through the school hallway. They walk to the bullhead they see team RWBY and JNPR waiting for them.

Alex: Everyone, what are you guy doing here?

Ruby: We are here to send you guy off.

Pyrrha: Yeah, we will be cheering you guy on.

Jaune: Yeah.

Nora: I'm so jealous, you guy are already on mission and while we have to stay here and read book. You guy are having fun without us.

Alex: I guess, I will take that, as a complement.

Yang: Make sure not to get your ass kick out there, Tiger.

Dav: Don't worry, I will make sure that I win this time.

Weiss: Isis, I-

Weiss is holding a small box in hand.

Blake: Here.

Blake give Isis a similar box. 

Isis: Heh? What's this?

Blake: It's a lunch box, I made it myself, Shu. I hope you would like it.

She look to the side embarrassed, she never does this before.

Weiss: Here Isis you should eat this instead!

Weiss give Isis her box, it's also a lunch box.

Blake: Weiss! What are you-

Weiss: I know what you are doing Blake, and I won't let's it happen!

The two start arguing.

Ren: Isis, you better came back alive and well this time.

Isis: Of course, I won't be dieing any time soon.

Ren: Great and here.

Ren give Isis a box.

Isis: Heh?

Ren: I also make you lunch, you should try them.

Isis: Really.

He take out a dumplings and eat it. Weiss and Blake are in shock, looking at Isis in the background.

Isis: This is really good.

Alex: Looked you. Getting all the handmade gifts.

Isis: Don't worry, I will share. And beside we can't work with an empty stomach.

The three say goodbye to their friends and get into the bullhead.

Time Skip as the bullhead landed they get out, it was the afternoon they walk to the police station meaning with the police officer there as they get there mission.

Isis: So our job is to locate their new bases. And recover the stolen dusts and weapons.

Chief of police(COP): Yes, we really don't want to ask you three again after the last mission. We here felt responsible, if something bad happen to any of you. Listen I don't want to sound rude, but as an adults sending three teenagers out to do our work. Don't feel right.

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