Chapter 5: Team AID

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Ruby: Weiss did you hear, today we will have some new students joining Beacon.

Weiss: Really it been days since Beacon started and it only been 3 day maybe exchange students.

Blake: Yeah it could be but I heard it was only two students that not a full team.

Yang: Anyway we'll just have to wait and see.

On the cliff side

Isis, Alex, Dav was standing there stretching getting ready for the test.

Glynda: Mr Lost what are you doing here?

Isis: I just getting ready that all.

Glynda: Ready for what?

Ozpin: The test, since those two will be his teammates after this, I decided to let him join to see how well they can work together.

Glynda: But-

Alex: Don't worry Mrs, I normally have those two under control... sometime.

Ozpin: Anyway let us began.

The three where throw off the cliff, as Alex was falling down she pull out a grabbing gun and grabbed on to a tree pull herself forward as she swing herself up again.

Alex POV

After swinging myself back up again I then quickly look around and see the boys.

Dav landed on the left side while Isis landed some where behind me.

I then landed.

Alex: Good, I have the boy location.

I point my gun upward as I shot out a flare.

After 30s Isis show up then 2 more second Dav show up.

Alex: Look like we're all together now.

Dav: Dammit a second late again.

Isis: C'mon step it up.

Boy will always be boy.

Alex: *sigh* Focus on the mission we have to get the relics.

We then here a roar as we look forward to see a Reaver

We then here a roar as we look forward to see a Reaver

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Isis: A Reaver. So how should we deal with it?

Dav: How about with our semblance this will make for a good warm up.

Alex: Alright then go knock yourself out. Zone Copy!

Isis semblance "Zone" let him tap in to his full potential, the full 100% of one's capabilities and abilities. When used the deeper he get in the Zone the more of his potential will be unlocks his potential is limitless. The semblance drain stamina fast so he can't use it for too long.

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