Chapter 26: The Attack

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Isis POV

It had been two day now Neo is living with me. The irony living with the person you once call enemy.

So it seems that you made quite a few new Gaia Memory, Isis.

I don't even remember when I made them, they just suddenly appear one day.

Fascinating, I checked your memory and I also find out the best combination.

I see.

Suddenly Neo poke me.

Isis: What's it?

Neo: [Roman is at the base, he is setting up camp their.]

Isis: Got it. Oh and there are ice cream in the freezer.

Neo: [Stay save]

I then walk out


At the base where Roman at, the White Fang Members where firing at team RWBY. They are hiding behind an ice barrier.

Weiss: They are breaking through it fast.

Blake: We need an opening.

Roman: End of the line girl!


Suddenly Lost fall down from the celling landed and created a huge gust of wind knocked all of the White Fang Members back.

Roman: Shit, hold him off.

Yang: I think they stop firing.

The girl peek to see Lost running after Roman.


His armor change as he go through the bullets that was fire at him, he also run through a WFM, he go through the wall into the stairway leading to the rooftop.


Lost put his hand on the wall as vine with roses came out wrapping the inside shutting off all the door.

Roman: Damnit!

He try to break through the thick vine, as Lost walk closer to him. Desperate he turn with his cane but it was kick off his hand. Another kick send him to the vine, their thorns pierced his skin making blood come out.

Roman: Bastard!

He run at Lost only to get punch making some of his teeth fall off. Grabbing his collar Lost slammed him to the floor making him cough out blood. He punch him two more time knocking him out.

Time Skip

Isis open the door to his apartment seeing Neo there, she wave at him.

Isis: I'm home.

Time Skip

At the day of the tournament

Announcer: Lady and gentlemen, today will be a day in history. The newest event, All Out. Where the best first years students from all school will have a chance to find out how is the best of the best!

The crowd erupted in cheer.

Announcer: We have Alexander Hidari, Dav Terui, Pyrrha Nikos and Yang Xiao Long! From Beacon!

On top of the stadium Isis was standing there looking down before leaving.

At an Altar bullheads.

Some Atlas robot suddenly lost connection and start killing the soldier there. Neo walk to a cell and open it freeing Roman.

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