Chapter 6: AID First Day

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The sun light shine through the window as Isis wake up he turn to his left seeing Alex sleeping in his bed naked.

Isis: Alex, what-

He fall off the bed.

Isis: Why are you sleeping in my bed!?

She get up and wipe her eyes still feeling sleepy.

Alex: It's super cold. Don't take all the cover.

She pull the blanket closer to her. Isis jump up and throw clothes in her face

Isis: Then put some clothes on!

Alex: Hey! Don't throw clothes at me.

The noise wake up Dav

Dav: Why do you guy sleep like that?

Isis: What?

Alex: Huh.

Dav: Isis you sleep with only your boxer while Alex you sleep nude. Why can't you guy put on pajama or some normal clothes like normal people?

Isis: To much work and still felt uncomfortable.

Alex: Agree.

Dav: *sigh* You guy are hopeless.

The screen now show Isis making breakfast for his team while they are getting ready for school.

Alex: Delicious.

Weiss POV

We are currently inside the cafeteria having breakfast and talking

Yang: I'm ready hoping to see how strong team AID are.

Nora: Me too, Isis is strong but he's now have teammates too, do you think they are as powerful as him.

Jaune: I highly doubt it.

Ren: I agree, Isis have that armor and items that some how let him use do all of that powerful attack.

How did his eyes emitting currents of electricity, was he lying about his semblance to me. No he wouldn't do that, would he?

Ruby: Weiss.

Weiss: Yes.

Ruby: Are you okay, did you just space out again?

Weiss: Yeah, don't mind me I just have something in mind that all.

Pyrrha: Does it bother you Weiss? We could help you with whatever it is.

"Alex: Are you trying to deny it or you just that heartless to actually care!"

Those word from her haven't left my mind since. What is her relationship with Isis? They just met so why does she act like she know him for along time?

Ruby: Weiss!

Ruby shake me

Weiss: What it's Ruby!?

Yang: You space out again.

Blake: You like keep getting lost in thought so much it start making us worry.

Weiss: I'm fine, I just needed some fresh air for a bit.

I then got up and walk outside and take a deep breath.

Why do I feel anxious?

I then heard Isis voice and turn to see him and his team walking and talking to each other.

Dav: This is so exciting our first day here. Today is going to be great.

Isis: It just school you don't have to get so work up about it.

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