Chapter 17: Their Bases

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Alex POV

After sometime we help out with some more cases in Vale, as we where chasing after an Dopant until we run in on a warehouse.

Dav: What the?

Alex: I think it is still here somewhere.

Isis: Guy look, this box it fill with dusts.

We look inside the box

Alex: You're right.

Dav: This one too.

I go and check another box and it was fill with dusts just like the boxes that we found.

Alex: This one also have alot of dusts.

Dav: Maybe we ran in to a dust warehouse?

Alex: How? This is an abandoned warehouse, how could it still have some much dusts inside if was abandoned.

Isis: Guy look at this.

We go and see that Isis found weapons or more specifically Atlas missing military weapons.

Alex: This isn't an normal abandoned warehouse but this is a base where someone his hiding all of this stolen thing.

Dav: I will go check to see if the other warehouses are the same here.

Isis: I will look around to see if anyone else is here.

Alex: And I will call in reinforcement, there are alot of weapons we need to make sure it doesn't use by the wrong people.

We are do our task Dav found more alot more, the police force are on their way and Isis didn't find anyone around that mean the dopant had escape.

Alex: So it manage to escape.

Isis: It's find, we can catch it next time.

Dav: So what now?

Alex: We'll have to wait for-

Before I could finish gun shot was fire at us, Isis activate "Zone" on instinct after he heard the first gun shot, he move his head back dodging the bullet and pull us away as we hid behind some barrels. The electric current in his eyes faded as I peek seeing Eternal and the Dopant walk closer to us.

Alex: Man Press!

Isis/Dav: On it.

The two of them transform as they ran out having Eternal and the Dopant on a man to man separating them. Isis fight Eternal while Dav fight the Dopant, I provide support from a far using my guns and keeping my distance since I may can beat the Dopant but not Eternal, he had fast movement with powerful attack, I won't last long if it a one on one.


Dav is fight the Dopant as they fight it look like it trying to keep it distance with Accel, it lead him away as it go through a corner

Accel: What the?

He see a guy walking up to him as he pull out a Dopant Memory


He transform as they fight, Accel have a speed advantage using this he slashes at it with his blade but

Accel: Huh.

He saw it regenerative the cut wounds.

Accel: Look like I need to add more power into my attack.


With Isis, he is fighting Eternal as their weapon clashed Eternal was push back by Lost


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