Chapter 27: Lost Hope

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W: Saa, omae no tsumi wo kazoero!

Heat: Look like back up had arrived.

Grimm start to appear surrounded them, the dark creatures roar out.

W(P): It's been awhile I fight, so I maybe a bit rusty.

W(I): I'll keep that in mind.

Eternal: Do you really think using two Gaia Memory will change a thing? If so then you are mistaken.

Eternal charge at W, he side step dodging him before kicking him in the gut. Heat fire a fire ball at W, he jump back dodging it. Kicking the grimm that charge at them and using them as platform to jump again dodging the other grimm, before landing.

While W is fighting in the ring the students help the audience evacuate.

Ruby: We have to help him.

Glynda: We need to evacuate the peoples first, backup are on their way.

Weiss: We can't just leave him there.

Glynda: I know, but. There is nothing we can do now. We have to help the people evacuate first.

Blake: Stay safe Shu.

They continue to help with the evacuation.

Back in the ring

W(P): There are too many, let's try out your memories.

W(I): Right.

Aqua - Phantom

The grimm swing their claws at them only for them to go through him, W body was like made out of liquid. W charge at Eternal, both of them swing their fist at each head, Eternal fist go through W, while W fist collided with Eternal knocking him back.

Eternal: Impossible.

Heat shoot out fire ball at him but it only go through him, W jump up turning his right arm to water blade cutting off the grimms that make contact.

Isis, this combination need water, we are currently using your body liquid as fuel. Let's change before you get dehydrated.

Sure, how about these.

Rose - Trickster

Eternal: Another form change.

W slam his right fist to the ground as vine came out binding the grimm around him.


Mercury used his actual Gaia Memory and transform to a dopant

He jump up try to kick W, as his leg was about to make contact. W body started to fall apart and bust into rose petals.

Hopper: What?

W: Behind you.

Hopper: Huh?

W grab his head and slam him to the ground. Eternal charge at him, W dodge, he swing his dagger at him suddenly a fall of vine came up binding him.

Eternal: What the!?

He try to move, Heat shoot fire ball at him. A vine wall apart but was burn imidietly, knocking W back, he landed.

We need more speed, Isis. Let's change.

Rabbit - Tank

Heat: Again, how annoying.

Her anger is letting out heat wave. Suddenly she was kick by W, flung her back making her hit the wall. She turn back to human and fall to ground.

W: Look like we got a best match.

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