Chapter 8: Past and Losses

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Weiss POV

After Isis finish that song again I left as I was walking through the school the bell rang, it was professor Port class as walk closer to the class I heard my friends voices.

Ruby: Weiss isn't here. Where could she have run off to?

Yang: I'm sure she will come here, it not like her to skip class.

Pyrrha: I can't wait for classes to be over.

Yang: I know to day after class will be awesome.

Ren: You really are lucky Pyrrha.

Nora: Yeah, getting a gift from Isis, I'm sure he have lot of cool stuff. Right Dav?

Isis is giving her gifts?

Weiss Memory

After Isis left without a word, I get mad at him and tear down every picture of that he was in, I also burn his gifts.

Weiss: You really are just a scum like them.

I then heard noises behind the gate.

Weiss: Whitley if you there laughing then you can just come ouf and laugh!

No response.

Weiss: Huh.

I then walk out and check but no one was there

Weiss: Strange...


I then walk away

If they are in there that mean Isis is also there I can't face him right now, I need to talk to someone. Wait, maybe he can help me.

I walk to the music room, I then knocked at one of the door in the practise room.

Voice: Hello.

Weiss: Hi, is me again.

Voice: Oh, what bring you here?

Weiss: I just needed someone to talk to that all.

Voice: Well I'm all ear.

Weiss: Thank, well there this really nice boy that once fall in love with me but I turn him down, now everytime I see him talking to another girl I feel frustrated.

Voice: I see, so you have feeling for him but you don't want admit it.

Weiss: But what should I do now? I don't know how to act when I'm around him any more.

Voice: Do you like him or not?

Weiss: I do actually...

Voice: Do he still have feeling for you?

Weiss: Maybe, but I been a jerk to him lately so I'm not sure anymore.

Voice: I see, then you should try being honest with him.

Weiss: What?

Voice: Tell him how you truthly feel, it might help your relation with him.

Weiss: You think so?

Voice: Yeah, if he as nice as you said then I'm sure he will be happy to hear how you felt.

Weiss: Thank you, for helping me.

Voice: It's find don't mention it.

Time Skip

Alex POV

After I give Yang my old headband I decide to clean up some of my old stuff I then found an old picture of me, Isis, mother and father, it was the first time Isis and I became friends.

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