Chapter 9: The Truth

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The screen show Dav in Accel form facing Isis in Fang form

Accel: ISIS snap out of it or I will have to beat some sense into you!

Lost: *roar*

Isis then charge at Dav

Accel: Have it your way!

Dav charge at Isis as the two get close, Alex and team RWBY standing from the back watch in horror.

A few hours ago

Weiss POV

The school day ended, I contact Isis using Ruby scroll 

Weiss: I should save this.

I then save his number to my scroll


Weiss: Whitley! What are you doing with my scroll!?

Whitley: I just borrowing of bit you don't have to get so work up about it.

Weiss: You have your own scroll why do you have to borrow mine?

Whitley: Because... I... need... to... done!

Weiss: Huh?

Whitley: Here you go sis.

He give my scroll and walk away

I then look inside my scroll only to find that he have deleted all of my photo with Isis and his number is gone, I couldn't remember his number I don't usually call other and I don't look at my scroll much.

Flashback end

Weiss: I need to make thing right.

Time Skip 

After sometimes I contact Isis we agree to meet in the hallway next to a vending machine.

Isis: Hi Weiss.

Weiss: Uh, Hello. Isis.



It get awkward already! I have to do something fast.

Weiss: How should I say this... 

Isis: What do you mean?

I look down

Weiss: When we first met, I was mesmerized by your talent. As we get to know each other more I then realize that father actually like you, I felt jealous he never show that kind of emotion to me or my sibling. 


Jacques: Isis Lost a really talented boy his music touch the heart of thousands of peoples, If only one of them have talant like him than maybe they will worth something to me.

I listen in behind the door

Weiss: Father like Isis's music that much. That's it! I only have to get Isis to teach me then father will acknowledge me as the heiress of the family.

Time Skip

After sometimes father actually acknowledge me as the heiress of the family I was so happy.

Isis: Weiss do you want to-

Weiss: Not now Isis I have to go now see you later.

I then ran out of the room

Flashback end

Weiss: I was to focus on being a better singer I didn't pay attention to you, I sorry for not spending time with you. When you said you love I thought you where just after my family fortune but after sometimes thinking about it. You never care about my family name like the other. So what I'm trying to say it... I-

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