Chapter 20: The Memory

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Ruby POV

After we found Blake and Isis on top of Beacon tower, we find out the true of what happened to Isis's family.

Dav: So you know and forgive her already.

Isis: Yes, I did. Since from what I gather, my brother was the one that send the White Fang at my family, well at me. Blake where just there when it happened she didn't hurt them.

Yang: Well Blake, we're just happy to know that you are on our side.

Alex: So what happened to Ice Queen?

Isis: Weiss, she run off somewhere.

Ruby: Well we gonna find her.

I hold her weapon in hand as we split up to look for her.

Isis POV

She couldn't have gone far. I go around the school for a bit.

Isis: Why would she even say that? I thought she didn't even love me. Wait!

I'm the voice, if there once place she could have gone for help, it gonna be here.

I walk to the music room, seeing Weiss sitting on the floor having her back again the door to the practice room that I usually used.

Weiss: Isis...

She still have tear in her eyes

Isis: I knew I would find you here, Weiss.

Weiss: Why are you even here, you should go and spend time with your girlfriend or whatever.

Isis: She's not my girlfriend, Weiss.

Weiss: Don't you lie to me Isis!

Isis: Have I ever lie to you?

Weiss: Yes, you lie about your semblance! You lie about the fact that you are a Kamen Rider! You lie that you love me!

Isis: Tell me Weiss, do you remember the time we were at Atlas as I was trying to tell you that I join a basketball team.

Weiss: *nodded*

Isis: After sometime my semblance evolved from my love for the game, but you never want to hear me when I talk about something other than helping you with music.

Weiss: I guess you are right...

Isis: I only been training tobe a Kamen Rider, but my mentor, my uncle die. I finally decided to take his advice and ask you out. You turn me down immediately, you said I was just like the guy that were interested in you because your family name.

Weiss: I-I-

Isis: I try telling you that I'm honestly in love with you but you just broke my heart even more. I left because I have to move to Vale with my family, but instead of staying with them, I decided to go back to Atlas and want to stay by your side.

I look away

Isis: You where try to erase my excited for your life. I saw you burn away our memories. Even the ribbon that I first give you for our first performance, you burn it without heritage. You block my number, I couldn't even call you if I want to.

I turn back

Isis: Not long after I find out my family where kill, I lost basically everything! Alex and Dav where sad they want to deal with it there own away. I was alone, with no place to call home. No where to go. No one to call to, for help.

Weiss: Isis, I'm sorry.

Isis: Blake maybe a faunus but she isn't a killer. She used to be in the White Fang, but she find her way. And now she want to fix her mistake. Just think Weiss, you and her eat the same food, sleep under the same roof. You aren't so different from her.

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