Chapter 4: Eventful Day

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Weiss POV

After the match we are now walk through the hallway back to our room

Ruby: Wait so we won?

Weiss: Yeah, he forfeited the match.

Yang: But why? This doesn't feel like a win at all.

Blake: He must have a reason to do it, maybe it because of you Weiss, I did hear that after you rip off his earing, he dominate you in a matter of second.

Ruby: Did he get mad at you Weiss? 

Weiss: I don't know, it's like nothing I ever seem before, he was like completely different person, and his eyes emitting currents of electricity, he never do that before.

Yang: So his semblance give him that green armor and can give him currents of electricity that emitting from his eye.

Weiss: The armor and electricity aren't his semblance.

Yang: Say what now?

Weiss: That armor and electricity aren't his semblance, his semblance is "High Concentration" it let him fully focus on the goals that he have in mind. There wasn't any armor or currents of electricity when he used it. So what are those thing that he use?

Was he lying about his semblance to me the whole time?


Inside a class

Isis was sitting there with his guitar, Glynda was also there, after sometime she decide to start a conversation with him.

Glynda: So why you do it?

Isis: Huh.

Glynda: Why did you forfeited the match? You where currently winning.

Isis: That none of your concern Mrs.

Glynda: Listen young men, I am your teacher and it's my job to help guide you to the right path. So you can tell me what happen between you and Mrs Schnee.

He didn't say anything then just start playing his guitar.

Isis: *sing*

There's a reason she's alone
You can't pin her down
Because no one needs her home
Or needs her around, she says
There's beauty in the hills
A chip in the sky
So don't be sad, because I roam
It keeps me alive

To impress her it's too damn hard
To stay loyal without going too far
If I see her again promise I won't

To impress her it's too damn hard
To stay loyal without going too far
If I see her again promise I won't

She wasn't back tonight
And I don't know about you
My money's on the night
It takes her away like I do
My charm is twinkling out of her eyes
Of her eyes

She will never grow old
Or change her mind
She'll talk about it later on
From seeing sights
There's something wonderful and odd about the escape
While you want them to be gone
You want them to stay

To impress her it's just so damn hard
I want her back, please don't go too far
If I see her again promise I won't

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