Chapter 18: You don't know

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Isis POV

I was sitting in bed writing my report on our case.

Even though we lost fight, our battle still isn't over, we found out that they keep a large amount of stolen dust and weapons. What are they going to do with them we still aren't sure, but we know that they are planning something big, those equipment that we saw could supply for an army. I would advice that we should be on high alert incase they strike, we will be happy to assist when the time come.

I then send the report to the main police station of Vale, I then close my laptop as I lay back down.

Isis: *sigh*

We are recovering from our lost, Dav is on the ground doing push up with one arm since his other arm haven't fully heal yet.

Dav: 201...202

He is the glue that sticks us together, everytime we felt bad or sad he always been there for us, he help fix the problem the tear us apart.

Now he blame himself for not being able to defeat the Beast Dopant fast enough. He want to live up to his father and mother expectation.

They just wanted him to be himself they don't want to put pressure on him, even if we tell him that it would just hurt his pride, so it's best for him to accept it himself. The best we can do know is to help and support him as best as we could.

Alex is out side playing basketball to clear her mind.

With Alex (Isis don't know what happening out side he is still monologuing)

As she is practicing basketball to clear her mind.

Yang: Hey Alex, how about a one on one?

Alex: Let's do it.

The two play, Yang may have more strength and force then Alex but she play again opponents like her before so she still beat her.

With Isis

She is the mind of the group, planing and strategizing is mostly made by her. She is calm in alot of difficult situations try to work out the best course of action and how to get there.

But she isn't perfect, no body is, the strong cold persona that she put up had been fading aways since she come here and make friends, now she act more like her true self, a kind, brave, cool some time rebellious girl.

She know that her father and mother love her with all their heart so she is using that motivation to continue moving forward.

And as for me the voice of the group.

I maybe the one who act alone alot but they still keep up with me, after my realization that holding on to the past won't change a thing in the future.

So I mature, now being the voice of the team I could read their emotion knowing what to say to help them out if they needed to.

I'm not just some tool anymore, I will fight for the right thing and to protect other because that is what make a Kamen Rider.

A wise man once said "Forget the past it only clouds the future" I'm starting to see it more now.

Time Skip

Ruby POV

After team AID lost, we decided to give them some space to recover, it been two days already thing are going well.

I was planing to ask them to go out with us this weekend and see the city because the Vytal Festival will be starting after a few more months, but since I don't want to bother them I decided not to.

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