Chapter 7: Becoming Friends

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Weiss POV

After my lost again Alex, I then find out that she beat Pyrrha is second, that just proved how powerful she is compared to us. Ruby somehow get team AID to join us in lunch but I still couldn't get to talk to Isis because Alex and Dav are always stopping me.

Ruby: So what is your guys dream?

Dav: I will become the hero of Mistral and protect it.

Pyrrha: So cool, with power that can match Isis I am sure you will be a great hero.

Dav: Thank but I still have a long way to go.

Ren: How about you Alex?

Alex: I will become a detective and keep my father legacy alive.

Pyrrha: That's a really hard one to fulfill.

Alex: Yes, but I nothing giving up on that I will prove that the daughter of the greatest detective in Remnant, can fulfill the role left by her father.

Isis: You know he don't want you to be endanger.

Alex: Quiet I will prove that I am ready for anything the world throw at me.

Ruby: Wow. How about you Isis?

Isis: Don't have one.

Ruby: Huh.

Yang: You don't have dream?

Isis: Nope.

Pyrrha: But don't you have anything plan after you graduate Beacon?

Isis: I figured something out, now I will just follow where the wind take me.

Ruby: Ohh, so what you guys do for hobby?

Dav: I mostly read magazine and try out new clothes to see what look best on me.

Alex: Playing basketball.

Isis: Making music.

Nora: That a strange hobby, well Dav hobby at least. Alex and Isis seem normal.

Dav: I'm a model, I got to look good for the cover.

Jaune: Wait you are a model!?

Dav: Yeah.

Yang: So do you have any other secret you would like to share Tiger *purr*

Dav: Oh I have some cool one that will blow you away Sunshine.

Yang: Straight forward, I like it.

The two for them started flirting with each other. Giving me a chance to talk to Isis while Alex was eating.

Weiss: So Isis, do you still preform?

Isis: No, no I don't.

He quit preforming.

Weiss: Oh...

Wait but he still make music so he must be unloading them or something.

Weiss: Isis-

Alex: I think that is enough talk for today Schnee.

She cut me off before I could ask more. I just look down at my food.

Yang: What! Are you actually saying that the three of you are in the "Generation of Miracle" the famous basketball team that suddenly disband a few years ago.

Alex spit out her drink

Generation of Miracle!? I remember Isis once said he was on a basketball team, but I never know that was his team. I was too focus on learning singing I basically only talk to him when we practice, prepare and perform.

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