Chapter 15: First Step

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Alex POV

It was Sunday Dav and I are currently walk in Vale with team RWBY

Ruby: So what should we do today?

Alex: Let's just enjoy this morning first, we got the whole day ahead.

Weiss: Where is Isis?

Alex: Oh, he said he got something to do, he said we can meet up in the park somewhere near a lake.

Ruby: Well let go there and meet up with him.

We go to the park, but we didn't see Isis anywhere

Yang: Huh, maybe he haven't come yet.

Isis: Hey stop running!

We heard his voice as we turn to the direction we see him in rider form charging after an dopant.

Ruby: Wow, what is that?

Dav: A dopant, we have to help out.

Dav run in and transform, he punch the dopant making it fall over

Lost: Accel?

Accel: I couldn't let you have all the spotlight Lost.

He run in punch the dopant a couple times making it fall back.

Accel: This will be easy.

As Dav jump in the dopant take a woman nearby as hostage.

Cockroach: Stay back or I will kill her!

They stop, it throw the girl to Dav, he caught her as it ran aways.

Accel: Are you okay Mrs?

Woman: I'm find thank you sir.

She left as they walk to us with their armor faded aways.

Weiss: Isis what was that?

Isis: A dopant, a Cockroach Dopant.

Yang: Why are you chasing it in the first place?

Isis: I found a website where peoples pay to kill someone, it seem like some kind of hit list at first so I decided to check it out, I located the target and found it trying to assassinate them. I stop the assassinate and charge it, some how it got me here.

Is he been doing detective work without telling me?

Ruby: Wow, so you are like some kind of detective, solving crimes and uncovering mystery. So cool-

Alex: Isis! What the heck!

Ruby: Huh.

Alex: You been doing detective work behind my back like this?

Isis: Alex, I know you are mad, but hear me out.

Dav: Yeah, Alex calm down, Isis must have a good reason for doing this.

Isis: Alex, I don't want you to get involved, you still don't have any training so I don't want you to get involve.

Yang: C'mom now Isis, she is the daughter of the best detective on Remnant, she will be-

Isis: And I was his pupils.

Yang: Oh... Uh.

Alex: And what give you the right to start investigation by yourself? You not even a detective.

He then pull out a detective badge

Isis: As you guy can see, I'm a detective.

I grab it as I check, it was from my father agency.

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