Chapter 14: Investigation

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Blake POV

After sometime collecting info, I had found out that there are peoples selling Dopant Memory to the criminal and some of the civilian I find out three of the main location where they sell these, they wear black suit and they are working for some guy name Roman Torchwick, I need to give Isis my info quick.

As I was moving out of the alleyway I accidentally knock over a can

Seller 1: Who there!

Seller 2: Come out now or else-

I didn't wait for him to finish I quickly ran off.

Seller 1: Shit! Don't let them escape! Catch them quick!

I disappear into the shadow, losing them quick.

Blake: That was close.

I then blend in with the crowd, as was walking pass some of them

Seller 2: Where did they go?

They just run pass me, good that mean my cover wasn't been blow. I need to get to Isis fast, I have to redeem myself. 


For some reason Isis call me to the rooftop to talk.

Blake: Isis? What do you need to talk about?

As I walk up there Isis pull me aside as the door was slam shut, he push me again the wall, his right next to my head as he was standing really close

His bright blue eyes seem almost like sparkle- wait what am I thinking!?

Blake: Isis! What is the meaning of this!?

Isis: Tell me Blake, do you know who attack my family?

Blake: I heard about this it was the White Fang that attack your family but why are you-

Isis: I'm not done yet, Blake. They where attack by the White Fang just like you said. I find out that there are a red hair bull faunus and a black hair cat faunus on the attack too.

Oh, no does he find out already?

Isis: Tell me Blake do you know them?

He haven't know yet...

Blake: I don't-

He raise his left hand holding my bow

How did he!? When did-

Isis: So tell me again Blake, do you know the bull?

Blake: Yes, I'm sorry.

He step back, I still looking down not wanting to face him. Because of my past action his family was kill.

Blake: Isis, I-

Isis: Alright then who send you?

Blake: Huh?

Isis: My family weren't rich like the Schnee or have anything to do with military, they just work a big company that have them move around Remnant, so they locations won't always be in one places. So knowing where they at isn't easy so tell me Blake who send them?

Blake: I don't know, one day we where just planning the next attack on a dust train until a hooded figure came in, I don't know who is him, but he speak with a deep voice so I assume that the figure is a male.

I then look up at him

Isis: Go on.

Blake: He said he know where Kamen Rider Lost is, he give us the location of your family. Adam the leader of the White Fang was so happy he stop the attack and himself when to the location only to find your parents there. He want to fight you but your parents said they don't know any Kamen Rider Lost. Enraged he murder them, I want to stop him but he won't listen. Since that day I start to think that what we are doing wasn't a good way.

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