Chapter 23: Losing a Friend

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Alex POV

It have been 1 month since our break

I was sitting at my desk, check through the files from our case.

Alex: What could they been up too? Needing that large amount of dust and weapons.

I currently seeing a a pattern here, they are only after dust and weapons, many stores that they attack only lost dust and weapons the money is left there.

Isis: Alex, you got anything yet?

Alex: No, the only thing that I got was they are planning something big. I just don't know what it's.

Isis: Maybe an attack?

Alex: Could be, but where?

Dav: Maybe Vale? Their forces isn't small.

Isis: Maybe, but what will they get attacking an entire kingdom?

Alex: Still if they do attack, do you guy think we can defense Vale?

Isis: I don't know, the main forces in Vale right now is the three of us, then G3X, then the huntsman and huntress, then the police and finally Beacon students if have too.

Dav: But they have your brother, dopant, some criminal and maybe the white fang.

Alex: If they do come I-we could easily take them out.

Dav: Yeah, it will be like a walk in the park.

The next day

Alex: You want us to show our skill?

Port: Exactly, since you three are currently Beacon best students, we want you three to show your skill for the up coming festival.

Alex: But isn't that will give us a disadvantage?

Port: Well the students from four kings will have their best students practice in All Out.

Dav: All Out?

Port: Yes, that is a new tournament in the festival, where the best first year students will participate in team of four, to show the world.

Isis: So the other schools will does it too?

Port: Correct.

Isis: Alright then, let make so things for they to see.

Dav: Isis, that will just leave us as a disadvantage.

Dav is right on this, show all our cards before a big tournament isn't good.

Isis suddenly point one finger upward as he look up to sky and said.

Isis: My great great great grandfather once said: Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.

Dav: What do you mean?

Alex: I think I guessed where you are going with this.

Dav: What's it, I still don't get it.

Alex: We will trick them.

Isis: By hiding our true strength, they won't know what will hit them when the tournament begin.

Port: Excellent, doing so will give our school an upper hand again-

Isis: That is why we aren't participating. You can ask another team to participate.

His comment make professor Port fall.

Alex: What!?

Isis: You heard me, we won't participate.

Dav: But why this will be my chance to show to my father how much I have improved.

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