Chapter 24: An Unusual Partnership

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Isis POV

Some time after I leave Beacon, I can't call that place home anymore. I drive my motorcycle through the city.

Isis:*sigh* What am I fighting for anymore?

I saw Junior's bar, and decided to go in to have a drink.

At least that will get my mind off of this.


Horus was drinking with me

Neo: [So how you been, Horus.]

Horus: Not good, thing aren't going well, you could say.

Neo: [Would you mind telling me?]

Horus: *sigh* It's kinda personal.

Neo: [It's okay if you don't want to talk about it.]

He drink again, this is his firth bottle already.

Neo: [Hey why don't we play a little game, that will get you mind off your problem for a bit.]

Horus: Sure.

Neo: [Great, how about truth or dare?]

Horus: Sure.

We then go to one of the VIP room.

Neo: [truth or dare]

Horus: Dare.

Neo: [I dare you to finish this bottle with one breath.]

Horus: Easy enough.

I give him the bottle as he finished it with one breath, I smirk looking at him, he really are impressive.

Horus: Alright then. Trust or dare?

Neo: [Truth]

Horus: Why are you sad?


Horus: Today when I came, you where drink and crying, when I approached you, you wipe your tear and act like nothing happen. So what happens?

He knew... Guess there is no point in hiding it now.

Neo: [The thing is... My fiance, he cheated on me with multiple girl. I remember the day he proposed to me, I was so happy. I just found out he been having an affair for mouth already, so I came here to drink trying to get him out of my head. And then you came... Isis.]

Horus: What? Ugh.

The drug had take it effects, now is my chance.

I quickly pin him down to the bed.

Isis POV

Isis: So you knew?

Neo: *nodded*

Isis: I see, so you drug me and now you are going to kill me.

Surprisingly Neo shake her head and let go of me.

Isis: What?

Neo: [I won't kill you]

Isis: Why? You do realize who I am right?

Neo: [I know, Isis Lost, the younger brother of Seth, a throne in a lot of criminal eyes. Kamen Rider Lost]

Isis: If you knew that much, then that mean-

I was cut off, she shake her head and show me her sign

Neo: [No, only I know about you, they don't know anything]

Isis: Why?

Neo: [Simple, I was betrayed by the men that I love, now I want revenge]

Isis: Okay so you want me to ruin his plan or something?

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