Chapter 10: My Fault

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Isis in Fang form and Dav in Accel form charge in at each other as their fist clash spark were created before Dav being push back. Dav then charge back in using his higher speed to do a fake out before landing an uppercut on Isis, he was flung back before landing on his feet.

Lost: *roar*

Accel: Isis snap out of it!

Arm Fang!

Blade fang came out from both his wrists.

Lost: *growl*

Accel: Isis snap out of it please.

Dav pull out his gun blade as Isis charge at him, he pull the trigger as the bullet came close to Isis he cut them in half with his blade as he get close the two engage in combat, Isis one of his blade Dav block it but was his by his other blade.

Accel: Ahhh!

Isis then lift Dav in the air as he charge in punching his friends mid air then do his final punch making Dav go flying into a tree.

Accel: Ahhh! That... hurt.

As Isis walk close to Dav who is on the ground, Yang charge in and punch Isis pushing him back abit.

Yang: Don't hurt him!

He slowly look at her, his glowing red eyes in the dark night shine giving off an ominous vibes.

Shoulder Fang!

He pull the two fang on his shoulder out as he walk to her, she was scared but he don't want to move letting Isis get close to Dav who was injure behind her.

She charge in as she throw a puch with just a swing is enough to fling her away as she crashed in some tree.

Accel: Yang!

Suddenly yellow flame erupted as he look to she Yang her bright yellow hair moving like flame her eyes turn red.

Lost: *growl*

She charge in at Isis again

Dav: Yang NO!!! GET AWAY!

She heard him but it was to late her fist collided with his blade creating spark hurting her hand as he move the blade sideway moving her hand away leaving her open for attack. He puch her once in the gut before grabbing on to her hair then turn and kick her right in the chest making her fly to a tree, she was now unconscious.

Ruby: Yang!!!

Alex: Isis stop!!!

He walk close to Yang unconscious body

Alex: Isis stop that's an older!

She used her semblance stomping her foot Isis almost fall but he catch himself, got back up and walk to her

Alex: My older won't work!?

Accel Maximum Drive

Dav used his maximum drive he jump at Isis doing his rider kick, Isis have his back facing Dav but before the kick could land

Fang Maximum Drive

A Fang appear on Isis right ankle as he do a 180 degree roundhouse kick collided with Dav, canceling Dav kick knocking him to the side as his armor faded away.

Dav: Ugh...

He fainted as Isis walk closer to him

Alex POV

My older fail? 

I was in shock seeing this as Isis walk closer to me Dav jump in only to be kick away

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