Chapter 11: Legacy

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Ruby POV

Isis: I quit.

Alex: Quit? You are going to give up being a Rider like that!?

Dav: Alex calm-

Alex: What is wrong with you!?

She throw the driver at him as she run out of the room

Dav: Alex wait!

Dav ran out of the room following her

Yang: Dav wait!

Blake: No, get back in bed.

Yang: But-

Blake: I will get him, you stay here.

Ren: We will help too.

Nora: Yeah.

The three ran out

Jaune: If you giving up on being a Rider then I can-

Pyrrha: Jaune!

Jaune: What, he give up then I will fill the role. No one can be a better Rider then me.

As he try to pick up a small robot jump out of nowhere and kick him to the wall.

Jaune: Owwww!

Isis: Fang! Get away from me! 

Isis eyes spark electricity as he get up from bed and jump out from the window.

Pyrrha: Isis!

Ruby: What is that thing?

The small creature somehow pick up the Driver as it jump out the window and move to where Isis headed.

Weiss: Did it just?

Ruby: We have to find them quick!

Alex POV

I ran back into our room

Alex: That idiot! He was chosen by father to be the next Kamen Rider. And yet-

Dav: Alex!

Dav busted through the door

Alex: Dav, aren't you supposed to be in bed?

Dav: I know but you should act like that, this isn't you.

Alex: Act like that? Dav my father chose Isis to be the Rider over his own daughter! Now after 3 year he want to quit. Does he think this is some kind of game?

Dav: Listen I know you are mad but just put yourself in his point of view.

Alex: Huh?

Dav: He lost almost everyone that he care about after becoming a Rider. His parents dead, his uncles your father and his partner both give up their live for him, now just knowing that the girl that he love with all his heart only see him as a tool and losing control almost killing his friends.

Alex: You... right.

Dav: He blame himself for all of this, after your father dead, we all felt sad I know. But think of Isis, we only heard the new but he seen his dead with his own eyes. The one he look up to and treated like his own father dead right infront of him. 

Alex: He's... saw it.

Dav is right we were busy moaning our lost, we didn't think on how Isis felt, I lost one family member but he lost almost everything. His parents, his home, his mentor he have to work and wander around Remnant to get to where he is now.

Dav: Please Alex, we are his only family left. Don't abandon him.

Alex: You right, if I left him now I don't think I could ever face my father again.

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