Chapter 19: Don't leave me

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Blake POV

Blake: Isis. I'm sorry.

Isis: What for?

Blake: My team they know that- that I was there when your parent were kill. I-I don't know what to do anymore, they must-

Isis: It's find Blake.

Blake: But I-

Isis: You're not the one who kill them, it was the bull faunus. And beside my brother was the one who send the White Fang at them, he is the reason they where kill, no you.

Blake: What should I do now?

Isis: Go back.

Blake: Huh.

Isis: Go back, let them know the trust, they will understand.

Blake: I-I-

Weiss: There you are!

I turn back seeing Weiss holding her weapon, she was look furious

Blake: Weiss, I-

Weiss: Isis stay away from her! She is a part of the White Fang! She was the one that kill you parent! 

I look down to the ground the guilt that I felt start getting big and big 

Blake: I-I didn't-

Isis: She didn't do it.

I heard Isis voice as I look up he was standing between me and Weiss, he was standing up for me.

His long black hair and scarf flow as the wind suddenly get stronger, slightly revealing a scar on the back of his neck.


Two year ago after I betrayed the White Fang, they send some of their elite to capture me, as I was running from them through the forest, I meet a hooded figure.

???: Over here.

I heard a male voice calling for me, being push into a corner, I have no where else to run, I don't know if I can trust him or not, but I can't run with my injure leg, so I go to him.

WFE 1: Excuse me have you see any black faunus cat run by?

???: Sorry, but I haven't see anyone except you two.

WFE 2: Really, are you sure that you didn't see any faunus cat?

???: Why would I be lying to you two, I'm just a travel. I already told you what I see.

WFE 2: What's in the bag?

???: Oh, that is just my belonging, you see I don't have a place to call home so I carry what I have with me.

WFE 1: That is alot of items for 1 person.

???: Hey, what can I said, that's all I have, who know one day maybe something will came in handy. Oh, I almost forgot, I'm Shu.

Trifa: I'm Trifa and this is Yuma.

Shu: Nice to meet you, Trifa.

Trifa: *blush* Uh, nice to meet you too.

Yuma: What your tough buddy. 

Shu: Oh, sorry if I did something wrong.

Trifa: No, it's find, you haven't done anything wrong. 

Yuma: Well we will be going now.

Shu: Well, if that the case then take care.

Trifa: Yeah, take care.

The WFE walk away, as he open the bag that I was hiding inside.

Shu: You are save now.

Blake: Thank you.

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