Chapter 27

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Chapter 27
Okay: THIS IS A SHORT CHAPTER. I've finally made up school work from being sick twice over the past two months. Im so relieved. Tonight I will be uploading a video to my youtube. (search Sadie Woodruff) Maybe even two. I'm getting surgery over the summer and i also plan to write this book a lot more consistently. So enjoy the short chapter!

*two days later*

Sam gives me a peck on the cheek as I finish packing my things to take to Hawaii, which happens to be the things I brought to florida plus a few trinkets and such I had picked up here.

"I love you Sam."

"I love you Sadie."

And with that we were the last ones to leave the little bungalow. Although it WAS NOT little, it makes it sound cuter!

We meet the others in the parking lot as the boys fill the cars with the suitcases and me and Andrea sit on the top of one of the cars. She had gotten me a strawberry daiquiri and why not enjoy it in the sun? Sam helped me down and squeezed the sides of my stomach, making me jump into his arms.

I stay there for a minute, enjoying his warm touch.

The rest of the boys hop in the car, followed by us. And off we go. Headed to Hawaii.

*when they arrive at the hotel in Hawaii*

"Sadie, I need to tell you something." Sam says.

"One sec, I'm almost done unpacking." I respond. It's about two minutes later when I sit myself across from Sam.
"So whats up?"

"Um I uh wanted to show you the view." He says almost hesitant.

"Is it good?" I ask excitedly, pushing the hesitation out of my mind. He leads me to the window and reveals the most amazing view. Palm trees, the beach, the sunset.

"Do you want to go roast some marshmallows with everyone?"

"Sure!" I say and me and Sam head to the sand.

You Can't Trust Anyone (Sequel to So THIS is Love)Where stories live. Discover now