Chapter 11

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Filler chapter!

I literally haven't gone to school since last wednesday. I LOVE SNOWDAYS! But Thursday I was sick so yeah.
I f you ever go to school in Ohio don't not start your essay book the week it's due which, happens to be a week with
3 predicted snow days and leave it at school. You will have to buy it on itunes and actually read it. Lesson learned.

I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT! Im in a youtube Collab and we need I think more people.
Here is the requirements: You have to be a girl You have to have a kik You can't live in ohio You have to be between 13-15 years old Message me if you would want to check it out! The only flexible item is age but it depends, so message me!


I don't even know why but, I trust Sam. I don't know why I work there as a whatever I do. I never wanted to work at a hospital. Maybe that part of my memory was affected. But how do I remember all of the memories before? Including the surfing incident. Was I really dreaming? I pull my phone from my pocket to check the time. It says its 2014! Not 2016.

“Sam, you lied to me. I knew I shouldn't have trusted you! Let me out!”

“Sadie all I want is for you to be mine again! I still love you!”

“Break up with Acacia then, If you show me that I can love you then I'll go out with you.” I immediatly regret saying that.

“I'll do it right now! I won't lie again. I just wanted you back. Are you gonna still come on tour? I can make it up to you! I promise.”

“I'll go but, if you lie to me I leave.” “

Okay.” He dials Acacia's number “Acacia I don't love you. We are through.” And he hangs up. I can't believe he just did that for me. I hear Sam start to cry.

“Sam what's wrong?”

“I can't believe I ever cheated on you. You're perfect to me and I just don't understand why I did that. I risked everything to date her. I don't even know why, Acacia is such a slut! She even convinced me that it was the right thing to do! I hate her!”

“Well that makes two of us. Is O2L really getting back together?”

“Yeah, the accident made us all closer. We are gonna announce it at the tour. Are you still gonna be in O2L?”

“Yeah. I will.”

“We have to get you home to pack. We are all staying at Connor's tonight. You can If you want to.”

“I will.”

“Okay, do you need help packing?” He asks as he stops in my driveway.

“Sure, thanks Sam.” We walk into my room and he helps me pick out some outfits. We walk out and arrive at Connor's. I'm still wondering how Sam can drive but, I don't think this is the right time to talk about it. Everybody is sitting on the couch talking and looking at the video games they have.


“Hi Connor!”

“What game should we playyyyy.”

“I want to play battlefield 4 but, that bozo wants to play ghosts.” Kian remarks

“I'm gonna have to go with ghosts. Sorry Kian.”


We put ghosts in the ps3. :p I have a ps4. Suck it Connor. But anyway we decide to have another tournament. Since Kian didn’t get his game pick he decided to play infected because it's hard but, he didn't know that's my best game. So of course I won. At around midnight we all decided to go to bed. Jc and Trevor were sleeping on the sectional so we decided to let them be. Kian and Ricky were sleeping in one room, then Connor and Sam in one, and me by myself. Thank God Maddy is coming on the tour, or else I would be the only girl! I spend about a half hour on my phone until I hear a knock at the door.

“I can't sleep.” Sam says

“You can sleep in here.”

“Thanks.” He remarks and swiftly lays down on the bed. Right when I'm about to fall asleep he wraps his arms around my waist and whispers to me.

“I love you.”

But can I believe him?

You Can't Trust Anyone (Sequel to So THIS is Love)Where stories live. Discover now