Chapter 9

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Ugh. Sorry this took such a long time. I had MAJOR writers block and I have two options I'm debating over right now. OMG. Its legit so hard to choose.
And last chapter is probably the longest chapter I'll ever write so this one isn't as long.

Chloe's POV~

We walk through the big sliding glass doors leading to the extravagant lobby. You would think its a hotel. Id rather be meeting my sister there. Im quite nervous, trembling a bit when my mom says my sisters name and gets the room number 1742 in response. I can already tell i'll be getting restless soon. I mean my sister is in the hospital! And I had to learn that the hospital closer to the school is actually not close at all. It really didn't help that I was fidgeting the whole time either.

My mom then leads me to an elevator and we ride up. It was a glass elevator, showing us a different picture every time we would go up, or down a floor. It reminds me of our trip to Chicago. It had a glass elevator too. My thoughts are disturbed when the elevator dings, telling us that we are here. Room 1742.

We walk in the door and I see Sam and Connor sitting in the chairs. I run up to Connor and sit on his lap.

"Hey Chloe! How are you?" He asks

"Well my sister is in the hospital. Other than that good. Is Connor doing good?"

"Well my best friend is in the hospital. Other than that good." I start chuckling at the way that sounds, and Connor chuckles too.

I see my mom pacing back and forth. "Connor can we talk in privacy?" She asks. At that I pop up from Connor and he walks into the hallway with her.

I plop down in Connor's old chair and look at Sam. He's sitting down next to me, looking at Sadie. I grab Sam's hand.

"Is my sissy gonna be okay?"

"I don't know. But I hope so."

The rest of O2L came in shortly after and I'd have to say out of the others that JC is definitely my favorite. He let me sit on his lap and play games on his phone! All the boys cram into the bathroom, motioning me to come in too.

"Should O2l get back together?" Kian asks.

Sadie's POV~

All I can see is a blank and black screen. I can't move or speak but, I can hear. I hear everything thats being said. I hear the sirens of an ambulance and wondered whats wrong. I can't remember what happened or why I can't move. I hear muffled cries of Sam and Connor. I want to be able to comfort them, and tell them it will be okay. I won't get the chance to do that. I can hear my sister laugh and my mom pacing. The last thing I hear is "Should O2l get back together?"

You Can't Trust Anyone (Sequel to So THIS is Love)Where stories live. Discover now