Chapter 18

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So i'm really excited bc writing new books and this one is fun


We decide to go grab some frozen yogurt before we go to the venue the digitour is being held at. I need to get back to working out.

"What are you gonna get babe?"


"Mhhhhm what? Me?" He says with a overly sized cheeky smile.

"Close. Since when is babe the nickname?"

"Since now babe." He says with a wink and starts laughing. He doesn't even understand how much I love his laugh.

My mood is boosted even more although I didn't think that was possible. I decide to get vanilla with sour gummy worms and Sam got chocolate with so many different chocolate related items that I couldn't count them all. We sit down and eat our fro-yo together.

Sam asks me a serious question I didn't plan on having to answer for a long time.

"When do you plan on getting married?" He asks.

"Whenever the guy and I are absolutely sure we are ready I guess. Why?"

"I just wanted to know." He says with a big smile.

WTF IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN? Does he want to get married? This isn't really a subject we have ever really discussed before. Is he ready to get this serious? I have to ask Maddy and Andrea. Like now.

I decide to wait and ask them until backstage at the tour. Us girls have a separate dressing room than the guys so I think it will be perfect timing. By the time we are done we only have 3 hours until the show so we decide to start heading to the venue.

As soon as we get there I go the dressing room and I find Andrea sitting on a couch in the room.

"How was you and Sam's date?" She asks as soon as she looks up from her phone.

"Amazing but, can i have a serious talk with you?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Okay so Sam was bringing up the subject today."

"Which 'the subject'? Sex, children, marriage?"

"You guessed it."


"Yeah. I didn't think we were that serious yet."

"Well he might just be preparing and planning. Or he might have just wondered."

"I think he wants to get married but, we've only known each other for a year!"

"Yeah but, how close is your relationship? It isn't about time. It's about the level of connection you're on with each other." Andrea states. I analyze the statement and realize that its probably the most true thing I've ever heard. We don't need to be with society or anybody else's standards if we are comfortable.

"I guess I never really though about it that way." I say honestly. I guess I really don't need anyone else's opinion about my relationship.

I decide to actually start getting ready with Andrea which, halfway through our conversation decided to pick up the curling iron and get to work. I hold up a crop top and high waisted shorts with a pair of vans and decide on it. I change and put some makeup on after dutch braiding my hair. Im quite confused on how it ended up being dutch because I was trying to french braid it.

I get a text from Maddy.

M dog~
I'm not coming. I feel sick as f*ck and am about to fly home right now. Sorry for the short notice. I love you bæ!!

"Well Maddy isn't coming" Andrea says

"Did she text you too?"

"Yep. I feel so bad because we are all leaving tomorrow except for her now."

"I just feel bad because she is all alone and apparently 'sick as f*ck'"

"Yeah. She didn't look good all today."

"Awww now I feel even worse!"

Sam comes in to tell us that we have 10 minutes and give me a peck on the cheek. Wow. 10 minutes until this is basically over. Im saddened but brought back up by the peck I just got from Sammy.

You Can't Trust Anyone (Sequel to So THIS is Love)Where stories live. Discover now