Chapter 26

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I decided to be nice. ;)


I wake up and I'm still in Sam's arms. I turn my head to see he is awake but, still holding me.

He smiles and keeps holding me.

Gosh. Why is he so perfect. I don't deserve him.

"I don't deserve you."

"What?" I ask.

"I don't deserve someone who cares so much about me when I can't even remember them."

"Yes you do. Because you're perfect."

And with that he crashes his lips on to mine. I pull him closer and I kiss him back. We both pull away at the same time and lie down in peace.

"Knock knock I'm coming in!" Connor says.

I look at Sam wide eyed and run to the bathroom.

"Wheres Sadie?"

"She had to pee."

"Oh okay. So what did you do last night?" I can just hear the wink that Connor is giving Sam.

I open the door, pretending to wipe my hands off on my pants.

"I could just hear the wink in your voice." I say to Connor with an eye roll.

"Eavesdropping much?"

"You're the one who said it so loud!" I say.

"But anyways, Hawaii?" Connor asked.

I just realized I hadn't even thought of that lately. I've always wanted to go there.

"I don't know." I say and take the chair next to Connor.

"Well you don't have long to decide. Two days Sadie. Okay?"


"Well I gotta run to lunch. I'm not even gonna ask you Sadie."

"I'm so offended!" I say very fake as Connor walks out laughing.

I climb back in bed with Sam and his arms wrap around me.



"Why wouldn't you go?"

"I want to be with you. If that means I have to sacrifice something, then that's okay."

"But I don't want you to have to sacrifice that for me. Go. It'll be fun."

I was only going to leave this hospital if Sam was coming with me.

"Im only going if you get cleared to go."

"But Sadie,"

"No buts. If you're not going, I'm not going."

"Fine. Then we'll have to get the doctor in here."

I give Sam a kiss on the cheek which once again turns into a make out session until I drag myself out of the bed to go get a doctor.

I go to the desk and ask for a doctor to directed to Sams room. I go back and not long after a doctor walks in.

"Can Sam be cleared to go to Hawaii in two days?" I ask as soon as the doctor walks in.

"Well actually I was going to release him after we just get this dose of medicine in."

I look at Sam and we share the same moment of joy together.

You Can't Trust Anyone (Sequel to So THIS is Love)Where stories live. Discover now