Chapter 29

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UGH. I can't even describe what I'm feeling.

'Sam doesn't love me anymore. I wish I could erase yesterday, and still be in a good position with him. If he had his complete memory back he could remember how he delt with our fights. I can't help him there. I bet he is pissed at me.' I think as I look in the mirror, ready to go out with Andrea.

"You ready?" Andrea asks with a bright smile on her face.

"Yeah." I smile back.

We leave and head towards a street with a bunch of little shops. Andrea points to a shop called seashell shack and we go inside.

The shop has tons of seashells, pearls, and sand dollars. I grab a few seashells and put them in a little sparkly bag to pay for them.

The next shop we looked at was a little jewelry store where you could open the oyster and get the pearl into a piece of jewelry. We left that store and went to a hawaiian apparel store.

The apparel store had tons of leis, grass skirts, and tops to go with them.

"Oh my gosh! Can I get one?" I ask her.

"I am!" Andrea says.

I pick up a skirt and a top with a lei set that matches the bright pink and purple top.

"This is honestly one of the coolest things I have seen in a store ever." I say.

"I know right! I would've never expected to actually see any of these, much less in a store."

Me and Andrea purchase the outfits.

"I dare you to wear it right now." I say.

"Only if you do." Andrea says with a laugh.

"Fine." I say.

We both change into our new hawaiian outfits and walk out of the store like it was nothing as we both crack up laughing.


"How am I supposed to propose to Sadie?" I ask Connor.

"Get her a ring and ask her." He says.

"Okay smart ass. But shes gonna say no. She is pissed at me right now."

"And if you propose she will remember how much she loves you and take you back, this time forever."

"Lets just be real. I'm not sure Sadie would want to get married. We aren't ready. We are still in high school! There is no way she will say yes. She actually might be actually done with me. She isn't going to take me back unless this is big." I say.

"That's why we're gonna make it big." Connor says.

"I don't understand how you think this will work."

"Well you make enough with youtube, Sadie mentioned a company was emailing her for something. You guys could move in together. We would help you."

"Sadie isn't going to just drop everything to marry me."

"The details come later. You need to find out how you are going to propose tonight."

"Tonight? Connor I don't even have a ring!"

"Then lets go get one."

"You can't be serious."

"I am, so get a shirt on."


We arrive at a little jewelry store and connor points out just about everything in the store. I am immediately drawn to a diamond encrusted pearl bracelet.

"Connor. This looks even better than a ring."

"Sadie would love that."

"But I'm worried because it's not a ring." I say to connor.

"Looking for a ring?" The guy behind the counter asks.

He wasn't there when we got here or, when I saw that bracelet.

"Yeah." I say quietly.

"Who's the lucky girl?"

"My best friend. The most beautiful girl on the earth. She is bubbly, and kind, and perfect." I say.

"Wow you must love her."

"I really do." I say.

"I was 19 when I proposed, although we didn't get married until after college. The love of my life. A month after the wedding she got leukemia and died a few months later. Still have only loved her to this day."

"I'm so sorry." I say. "I can't imagine losing Sadie."

"You pick a ring and I'll give it to you. And the bracelet."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"My wife would've wanted her legacy to live on through someone else."

"Well thank you so much!" I say and he puts the ring and bracelet in a small bag and we thank him again and leave.

I guess I'm really doing this now.


After a day of shopping we bring our bags to our room.

"Andrea! Come here! Look!"

I show her the window with a view of an empty beach bonfire and the beautiful sunset.

"Can we go?" I ask her.

"Lets go!" She says and we make our way to the beach, still in our outfits from this morning.

There is a bag of marshmallows, tons of chocolate and a box of graham crackers.

I pick up the graham crackers and they have a note on them.

~yes sadie, these are for you

"Andrea, come look." I say.

Andrea looks at the box and reads the note as the boys jump out and scare us.

The boys brought sticks to roast the marshmallows. As everyone spreads out to take a seat I realize that the person that I want to be here isn't.

"Why the sad face?" Trevor whispers as he sits next to me.

I whisper back, so nobody can hear me over the loud commotion. "I miss Sam. I love him and I totally over reacted. I just want him back."

"You'll be okay." Trevor says. "You love him and if he remembers that, he will come crawling back." As he says that I start to smile.

We roast some marshmallows and make some s'mores but, I don't use the chocolate because I don't like it on my s'mores.

When the sun's horizon meets the water's the commotion stops and everything is turned to a dead silence.

I turn around and Sam is standing right behind me.


I approach Sadie. My legs are about to buckle and my hands are shaking so I put them in my pockets.

Sadie turns around and flashes a giant smile at me.

That assures me that I'm doing the right thing.

"Sadie, I love you." I start.

"I love you too." She smiles back.

"That's why I need to talk to you. We both love each other, and have been through so much together. I love you so much that I would do anything for you. I never want to lose you." I grab the box in my hand and kneel down. "And thats why I want you to marry me."

You Can't Trust Anyone (Sequel to So THIS is Love)Where stories live. Discover now