Chapter 12~

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  • Dedicated to All of My Followers :*

Hey! Ik it's short but, I promised by the end of Sunday. A lot of You have been asking for the youtube. Im gonna try to put the links for my personal I made today and the collab's! I love you guys so much! Well here you go!


I wake up to the sound of my alarm and Sam's hands on my waist. I slip away from his warmth and immediately regret it but, I have to get ready. I plug in my curling iron and grab some PINK yoga pants I keep at Connor's house. I curled my hair then put it into a high ponytail wrapping a curl around the ponytail. I just put mascara on and some eos. I walked out of the bathroom and put a hoodie over my tank top. I slipped on my sparkly silver toms and shook Sam to wake him up.

“5 Minutessssss.” His freaking raspy morning voice is amazing.

“Fine, I guess you'll miss 5 minutes of me.”

“Never!” He says a sits straight up rubbing his eyes. “I like those pants. Don't wear them when you're not with me.” He says with a wink.

I laugh and leave the room to grab an Arizona downstairs. I see Connor in the kitchen.

“I thought you weren't a morning person.”

“Im not.” He turns around with a frown. Ricky comes down the stairs with Jc and Trevor.

“Wheres Kian and Sam?” Connor asks

“Getting ready” Ricky says

“I want pancakes.” Trevor stated

“We will stop at McDonalds then.” Connor tells him

“YES!” And then Trevor sings about his love for pancakes.

“I want Starbucks.” I said. “If it works for him, it should work for me.”

“True. Sadie, did Sam tell you he got his license?” Jc asked

“Nope, but he did drive me home so I didn't know.”

“So you got in the car with him?” He fired back

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“You’re so dumb.” He says

“Not as dumb as you.”

“OOOOOOOOOOH” Ricky adds.

“Touche.” Jc says

Kian and Sam come down and we all pack into Sam's car. He took us to McDonalds and Starbucks. I got 2 hash-browns and a grande vanilla bean frap with no whipped cream. It was freaking amazing.

“STOP THE CAR!” Connor yells.

“What!” Sam screams

“It was perfect lighting for the picture of my Starbucks for instagram.”

“You made me stop the car for that! You f***ing scared me!” Sam yells with anger deep in his voice.

Jc started laughing and snorted which caused me to laugh, and Sam made an awful face at me, making everyone but Sam laughing.

“It was worth it. It already has 9782 likes.” Connor states

You Can't Trust Anyone (Sequel to So THIS is Love)Where stories live. Discover now