Chapter 8

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Since I've had school off and y'all are amazing fans heres an update! I feel like I should do that cliché naming fans thing but i don't have any ideas so that brings me to #1.


I need y'all to comment some ideas! Winner gets a chapter dedicated to them! (I didn't know what else to give?)


I need anyone that makes good covers to message me. I need new covers for both of my o2l books and a top secret book that is well underway right now. Winner of that will get 3 chapters dedicated to them. (Split up however I feel.)


Im probably gonna take a break from this series after this book. Just for a little bit though to put my new series on here.


I have a writing competition field trip on thursday but im not even writing so im gonna probably write for this 😘😘


I want to express my love for you all because almost 6 months ago all I wanted was 100 reads on my story. I now have almost 85,000 on the first book and around 4,000 on this one I believe. I love you all for being so supportive and amazing!! I want my next book to be bigger and better! Ive grown as a writer an you guys have grown as fans too! Almost 100 followers? Crazy. I love y'all! So Ive given you enough. Heres your update. ;)


I need anyone who knows how to send messages to all followers to message me!

The tossing and turning just doesn't stop. My lungs are slowly failing on me but I try to swim out anyways. I new I should've taken my inhaler today. I get my head out of the water for a few seconds before being pulled back in. I swam straight out of it but, it pulled me back under again. I could feel that I was about to die. I started to think. My friends would be helping to plan a funeral instead of a birthday party. Connor would be hit the hardest. Then my life flashes before my eyes but the weirdest thing happens last.

"I love you." Sam said

Sam's POV~

I couldn't stand her tossing and turning. I tried to go in and save her.

"Don't go under! You could get hurt or even hurt her!" The surf instructor said. "You wouldn't want that, would you?"

Call an ambulance. Thats my first thought. Im not much of a swimmer, unlike Connor. But I think I swam pretty fast. Connor was already on the beach. He was standing there in shock. He collapsed to the ground when he saw her fall back under. I find my phone and call 911. They said they'd have an ambulance here in under two minutes. I really need it before then. I remember everything that has happened between us. And the last thing I see before sirens was Sadie.

"I love you."

Why did that have to be last? Im gonna be even more of a wreck now. I see the wave start to die down and the instructor jumps in and places her on a surfboard. I don't see her move.

"If she's unconscious I'm suing." I said

"Thats what the f****** waiver is for dumb ass." Connor said

We both chuckle a little but then are snapped back to reality.

"Would you like to ride?" The ambulance guy asked.

"Yes." We both responded.

One of the workers had brought Sadie and Connors stuff down. We got everything then got in. We were given towels to dry off. We were asked many medical questions. It was already almost four when we got to the Hospital. Connor decided to call Sadie's house.

Connor's POV (The call)

I couldn't wait for it to finish ringing. Someone finally picks up. But its not who I would want to tell first. It's Chloe.

Chloe's POV


"Hi Connor!" I said

"Is your mom home?"

"Yeah, she's outside now. Why?"

"After we get off the phone I need you to tell her to come to the hospital closer to the school. We need her."

"Why? What happened? Connor please tell me."

"Your sister was in a surfing accident."

I start screaming. I mean especially since I just finished Soul Surfer for school. I dropped the phone but I heard yelling so I picked it up.

"Get her inhaler!" Connor says. And I hang up. I hear my mom come inside.

"Whats wrong Chloe?" She asks as I put the phone back.

"Sadie's in the hospital closer to the school. We need to get her inhaler now."

"Stop playing around."

"Im not! Connor called and said she was in a surfing accident!" I say and start breaking down again.

"Get her inhaler! Im gonna start the car." She said

I ran up to her bathroom and dug through every drawer. Of course the last one had them. There were 4 different ones so I grabbed them and her tube. Afraid I would drop one, i dumped her travel makeup in the sink and put them in it. I ran down the stairs and fell but I got up and ran. I can't believe my sister could be dead or really hurt. I lock the house door behind me and get into the front seat.

"Im proud of you. You knew exactly what to do. Even only being 9."

"How can you keep calm especially after Dad?"

"If she's meant to be kept safe, she will be. I learned that with your Dad. He wasn't meant to be kept safe."

"Is Sadie?"

"I don't know." she says as a tear slips down her cheek.


I just love chloe's POV! Alright I promise I'm done now.

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