Chapter 10

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(If its in a weird font sorry, I typed this chapter on my computer because im home, sick right now.)

I wake up. Finally being able to see, speak, and move. The first thing I can process is the tear running down my cheek and muffled voices. I have no idea what happened but, I recognize everyone here. Sam looks up from the ground an straight to me.

"Guys. Look." Sam shyly says.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked. Everybody starts running over to me. I don't want to ask what happened. I don't want to have to go through a story right now. I don't want to cause any pain. I just want to be with all of my friends, like usual.

"How's my beautiful boyfriend?" I ask and grab Sam's hand. He's not my boyfriend, he cheated on me. For some reason I couldn't stop it from slipping out of my mouth.

"Amazing now that you're up. How about my Sadie?" He asked.

"Just fine." Connor comes over and plops down next to me on the hospital bed.

"What exactly happened to me?" I ask him. "And are Sam and I together?"

"You're really funny Sadie! Of course you and Sam are together! Why wouldn't you be?"

"I don't know." So he didn't cheat on me? Connor still didn't tell me what happened to me.

"You're acting really weird Sadie." I hear and I snap back to reality.

"Oh sorry. I didn't realize." I said

"Its fine. I think someone wants to talk to you." He gets up as soon as the words leave his mouth.

"Hey baby." Sam says


"Wow you really are acting weird."

"So is O2L getting back together?"

"Back together? We've never been apart. We are about to go on tour!"

"Oh yeah. Um sorry?" A tour? Never been apart? Something is wrong here.

"Did you hear me?"

"No, Sorry."

"Are you gonna come with us?"

"Sure! When do we leave?"

"In 22 hours we have to be at the airport."

"Okay, I need to get home and pack then." Sam leads me out the door and down the hall of the hospital. We ride an elevator down and he leads me to his car. Somethings wrong here too. Sam can't drive. Were freshman.

"So how was school?" I ask, almost immediately to regret it.

"Okay. I'd say being a junior was hard. Only another year!"

"Wait did you say junior?"

"Yeah why?"

"But were freshman."

"Yeah 2 years ago. Whats gotten into you?"

"I don't know I just woke up and everything is so different."

"What do you mean different?"

"Now we are juniors, you can drive, O2L is together, WE are together."

"Its always been this way Sadie. What are you talking about?"

"But you cheated on me and O2L broke up."

"You're insane Sadie. Why would I ever cheat on you? I love you."

"You loved Acacia more."

"What are you talking about?"

"I need to leave. I have no clue what I missed out on but nothings right here."

"Every thing is normal I don't know what you're saying." He grabs a folder and starts shuffling around papers inside. He grabs one and read it. "Fu*k"

"What's wrong?"

"I knew something was wrong with you."

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since your surfing accident you can think your dreams happen in real life."

"But you cheated on me and O2L broke up before that."

"We never broke up. And I never cheated on you. Your surfing accident was 2 years ago and I don't know If you have any memory from those two years. All the things you said never happened I don't see how you think it could possibly be true."

"Then why was I in the hospital?"

"You practically live there now. Between the treatments, physical therapy, and working there for school credits you are almost always found there."


"Why would I lie to you?"

"I don't know Sam. I just can't trust anybody."

"You can trust me."

"But a whole 2 years of memory gone?"

"Sadie that's the science not me. You have to pack, come on."

"How do I have memory now?"

"You got a surgery where they tried to help your memory."

"I don't know why but now, I trust this. I trust You."

You Can't Trust Anyone (Sequel to So THIS is Love)Where stories live. Discover now