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Ik it's been like a week but I was busy and tuesday is when I have lots of time so here it is!

P.S ~ Lots of excitement ANDDD a cliffhanger :)


We all scream "We love you guys" and it's over. Or so I thought.

"Instead of ending this show how we usually do..." Trevor says

"We are gonna end it with a little surprise." Jc says

"We have something for you Sadie." Kian says.

"From all the guys." Ricky says

"AND GIRL." Andrea says madly.

"Sorry!" Ricky says to Andreas glare.

"But anyway." Connor says.

Sam hands me an envelope and whispers open it to me. I open the sealed white envelope which, has a note inside. I read it into the mic infront of me.

"Dear Sadie,
Because we all love you we decided to give you a vacation but, what's the fun without your friends? So we are going too. One week in a florida resort and another in....."

"In what?" I ask.

"IN HAWAII!" They all scream at me. At this point I can't contain the smile on my face. Then Sam kisses me unexpectedly and Ricky stands infront of us turned around and we stop.

"YA NASTY." Ricky says.

We all laugh and say the last line again.


Kian pulls me to the side in the backstage hall.

"Are you still friends with Maddy?"

"Yeah why?"

"She's been trying to get with Sam."

"Wait what?" I yell. I trust Kian and Maddy has been acting weird lately.

"She even kissed him the other day!"

My anger immediately turns to Sam.

"Sam didn't even tell me anything!"

"That's why she went home. She figured you would find out in these two weeks so she left."

"When did it start."

"When the surfing incident happened. She thought you wouldn't make it out."

"That little b!tch!" I scream. I start to run to the boys locker room but Kian tries to hold me back and fails. All it causes me is a few lost seconds and a stumble when he lost his grip. I bust open the door and try to run over to Sam. Jc jumps off of the couch and pins me to the wall as Ricky runs over to help Jc.

"What the he// is going on here!" Jc screams at me.

I start crying.

Jc accidentally lets go to look at Sam and I get out of Ricky's grip. I run to Sam and pull him into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

"What the f***?" Sam asked me.

"When were you gonna tell me."

"Tell you what?" Sam screams.

"About Maddy."

His expression hardens.

"You weren't supposed to know."

"Really? I wasn't supposed to know something that majorly affects our relationship. It's basically cheating on me, again!"

"That's not what I meant. I meant that I was gonna tell you after the vacation so you wouldn't be stressed and hate me the whole time! Becau-"

"Did you kiss back?"


"Did you kiss back?" I say in a harsher tone.

"He// no! Why would I kiss her back!"

"I don- I don't know know." I say, giving up and I slowly slide down the wall into a little ball.

"Hey. It's okay. I know why you would be mad but, I'll never replace you. I can't. You're perfect. You're my life. I would be long gone without you Sadie. Long gone. You're the only person that matters. You're my life."

You Can't Trust Anyone (Sequel to So THIS is Love)Where stories live. Discover now