Chapter 28

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Hey guys! Big news! I decided to completely re-do everything to get ready for summer! I now have a twitter and email specifically for this page, along with redoing my youtube that I will be posting to today or tomorrow! I will put the users below! For a video for youtube I would love for you guys to ask me questions! So tweet at me, email me, or comment below!

Twitter~ @sadie.wattpad

Sam's POV

I know that Connor will help me if I ask him. For anything.

"Hey Connor, can you help me?" I ask.

"Yeah sure! What is it?"

"Well can we go somewhere super private?"

"Lets go on a walk and you can explain to me."

We walk out of the hotel and go out on the beach.

"I've been having these weird dreams lately. They are things with Sadie but, they seem really familiar. Do you think-?"

"What was in the dreams?"

"Well one of them was a day before school, one was Sadie living with all of us together, there was a blonde girl named Maddy I think, in some of them, and there was one where you me and Sadie were going surfing and a car crash where something happened to me."

"Wait. A car crash?" Connor asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Sam that's how you lost your memory."

"Well then what explains the other ones?"

"Sam. I think thats a way that your mind is bringing back your memories. From the ones that you have told me, I remember all the times that I would have been in."

"So you're saying that these things actually happened?"

"Yeah! No wonder why they all seem so familiar. Who are you gonna tell?"

"For now just you, I'll tell Sadie. I just don't know when. After that I'll tell the rest of them."

"You should take her to a nice dinner tonight, and explain it there. Probably at the end just in case."

"Thanks Connor. Will you help me find a place?"

Me and Connor go back to the hotel and ask the front desk about restaurants. We decide on Aloha Steakhouse and then We both go back to our rooms.

"Hey where have you been?" Sadie asks.

"I was out with Connor."

"Ooooooh fun." She says with a smirk.

"Speaking of fun, what if I were to tell you that I have reservations for two at Aloha Steakhouse tonight at 7?"

"Really? I can't wait! Thank you Sam!" She says and runs up to hug me.


To Andrea:
Sam got me and him reservations at Aloha Steakhouse 😍👏

From Andrea:
OMG. So lucky. 😩

To Andrea:
Leaving now, see ya tomorrow!

"Wow Sadie, you look beautiful." Sam says as he runs his eyes up and down me.

"Thanks." I can only imagine the blushing. "You clean up well too." I say with a laugh.

We walk to the steakhouse and turns out it's a world renowned steakhouse on the water.

After dinner me and Sam go for a walk on the beach and decide to sit down in the sand.


"Sadie I have to tell you something." I say and she looks at me as the sun is setting on the water. Everything suddenly comes back. The memories of the past year, Acacia, Mackenzie's party, when I met Sadie, telling her to pull her shirt down and skirt up. The biggest and littlest memories run through my head at once.

"Sam? Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just remembered I need to make a call."

"Okay. Go make it." She says with a smile.

I walk off and call Connor.

"Shit. Come on Connor answer."

He doesn't answer so I call again.

"Are you with Sadie still?" Connor asks.

"Yeah I'm with her still. That's kinda the problem."

"Being with me is a problem?" Sadie asks.

"Shit. Connor I have to go."

"Oh no, don't go, it's obviously too big of a problem for you to be with me."

I hang up on Connor and run after her.

"Sadie that's not what I meant you don't understand-"

"And what is it that I don't understand Sam?" She stops walking.

"If you give me time I can explain. I just don't know how to explain it."

"I thought that maybe after the accident that this wouldn't still happen. I was stupid. You are still the same person, you didn't change." She says and walks off.

"But this isn't what is supposed to happen Sadie." I say still running after her.

She turns around and says "Well maybe we weren't supposed to happen Sam."

I'm speechless, I have no clue what to say.

"He looked so stressed about the call so I just went over to hug him from behind during it, and lay my head on his shoulder. How could he do this to me?" I cry to Andrea. "I really thought that we were going to last through this."

"Me too." she says.

I continue to cry. Why am I even crying for him?

"Lets go shopping tomorrow. All the little souvenir shops, shaved ice stands, and Hawaiian boutiques that we can find." Andrea pauses. "Sound good?"

"Yeah." I manage a small smile.


"How am I supposed to fix this?" I yell and slam the door to Connor's room shut.

"What even happened?"

"I started to remember everything. I have my full memory. I didn't have the slightest clue how to tell her that! Why do I always have to be the one to screw everything up?"

"When did you get back your memory!"

"When we were laying on the beach. I had no clue what I was supposed to do!" I say and punch the pineapple lamp, shattering it to pieces.

"You need to make it up to her big time."

"Like what?" I ask.

Connor lifts up his hand and grabs his ring finger.

You Can't Trust Anyone (Sequel to So THIS is Love)Where stories live. Discover now