Chapter 23

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I am awoken by Andrea while the sun is shining on the hammock I must've fallen asleep on.

"The boys are all up."

"Lets go!"

"In that?" She asks. "At least get some clothes on."

"Andrea." I begin. "I just want to see him. He might not remember me but I want to see the eyes I imagine, the lips I kiss, and the smile that lights up my world."

"Okay, pj's it is. Lets go."

I don't understand how she isn't taking this as a serious matter.

"He might not remember us!" My thoughts take control of my mouth.

"He will. It was a small crash." Connor says.

"But why are you all so sure!"

"Because we were there." Trevor says. "You are blowing this out of proportion."

ME. BLOWING IT OUT OF PROPORTION? I just want to see Sam.

We ride in the car for 15 minutes before I see the hospital and I run to the front door as soon as the car is parked.

I make my way to the front desk, the only thoughts in my head are Sam Pottorff. I need to see Sam Pottorff. I didn't realize I said that aloud until the lady responded.

"Room 1803 hun!"

"Thank you."

I ride the elevator up to the 18th floor and wait for it to stop. It felt like it took hours just to go up. I should've taken the stairs. Then I would be doing something at least. I fiddle with my hair waiting for the door to open.



"It must be at the end."

When I finally reach 1803 I peek in then run in.

"Sam!" I exclaim, engulfing in a big hug.


"Im so glad you're okay!" I say, still practically suffocating him.

"Me too but, who are you?"

My heart drops. It's okay. He just didn't see my face clearly.

I look up at him.


"Sadie?" He asks confused.

"Yeah. Um I was your girlfriend."

"Oh. So i'm guessing that was for you." he says and points to the counter across from him. I walk over and pick the small box up.

"This?" I ask

"Yeah." I take a peek inside and it was an engagement ring.

Sam was going to ask to marry me?

"So let me get this straight, I was going to be your fiancé but, you can't even remember me? I was all you cared and talked about. How can you not remember me?" I cry.

"Im sorry, I really am! Im trying but I just can't remember!"

"Very funny guys." Connor says as he walks in.

I just look straight at him. Tears running down my face and he shuts the door and runs to me.

"Its okay." Connor says

Sam looks at us with a confused face. "Connor?"


Why can't he remember me. I was the love of his life.

"Am I gonna have to get him to love me all over again?" I ask Connor, still crying.

"I don't know." Connor says with a sad tone to his voice.

The doctor knocks on the door and comes in.

"Hello, how are you?"

Im assuming that was directed towards both of us but for now, I'll let Connor do the talking.

"Good! Can you tell me about Sam? He isn't remembering all of us."

"Of course! Well have any of you come into his life in the past year?"


"Thats why. He can't remember the past year. He probably never will."

The doctor goes on but everything goes black knowing Sam will probably never remember me.

You Can't Trust Anyone (Sequel to So THIS is Love)Where stories live. Discover now