Chapter 3

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Sorry it took such a long time. I have a snow day today ❄️❄️❄️ and a drive to Chicago so Im gonna try to write in the car. Heres chapter 3

I woke up and straightened my hair, so it would look prettier. Wavyish curlyish hair ALWAYS gets in the way. Its like you cant even put it in a ponytail. But anyways I straightened it. Its like to my butt almost when its straightened. I put my uniform on but put extra mascara on today. I had extra time so why not? I walk downstairs and my sister is sitting down working on homework. I still had time so I sat and ate waffles with her as she did her homework.

"Whats 5+5+5+5?" I asked


"Yeah, so you have 4 groups of 5 right?"


"Thats just like multiplying. You add the groups together."

"Thanks Sadie."

"Your welcome Chloe."

I looked at the time and grabbed my penny board. I threw it on the floor then skated literally out the door. Ive always wanted to do that. I was then outside so I skated to school and had plans to meet Connor at the intersection of our street. I waited for 11 minutes before he showed up.

"It took you long enough." I joked to Connor.

"Well it would've been quicker if my alarm clock would've went off."

We skated to school and surprisingly still made it on time. We went our separate ways and I went to my locker. Dylan was standing right there.

"Hi Sadie."

"Hey Dylan." I said as I was turning my lockers combination lock.

"Whats up?" He asked as I opened the locker.

"Just talking to you. How about you?" I asked. I put my backpack in and grabbed my stuff.

"Just talking to this girl ya know."

"Hahaha" I said as I shut the locker.

We walked down the hall and we separated. I freaked out to Danielle and told her about how I have a little crush on Dylan.

"Well at least you're getting over sam." Danielle said.

Danielle was my best friend in 7th grade. Well my girl best friend. Danielle is a total tomboy. She has long brown hair that she ALWAYS puts in a low pony, she wears basket ball shorts or sweats with a t-shirt almost every day. When she doesn't she wears a pair of jeans. Shes a little taller than me. I can pour out my heart to her without being judged. She is such a great person. I love that she is my best friend.

"Yeah. I really can picture him in my future."

We went to drama when the bell rang. I was freaking out the whole time because, next period I would see dylan. But its boring science so yeah. The bell rang and i decided to walk slow with Danielle to see if he would pass us. He did so then we walked behind him to get to class. The desks were set up in 7 or 8 rows of 4. I could see that Dylan was saving seats.

"Sadie, you and Danielle should come sit with me."

So we did.

I was all calm on the outside but freaking out on the inside. The class went by fast, which made me sad. But we still have world history and lunch before second study hall. The desks were set up like a box missing one side. We had assigned seats. Danielle was thankfully next to me and Dylan was across from our side.

The lights were off so we could see the smart board. We were talking about google earth. Places so search and why we picked them. But everyone from band left for their concert and from communications because they were doing something for the dance planning. So there was like 8 people. Danielle left with the band so I kinda felt alone. Dylan was still across from me. I looked at him a lot. I mean the lights were off so he wouldn't be able to tell. Right? Well I found out that he was looking at me too. The bell rang and we were exchanging funny faces. He was flirting with me too. OMG. You don't even understand the feels. The rest of the day went really slow because I was waiting for second study hall. I FINALLY got to second study hall and group b was in the lab. Im in group b, dylan and a few of my friends are in it. All of o2l was except Sam. All of them are in my lunch and first study hall. And Connor and Sam are in algebra 2. I was on my phone checking ig. Dylan has a girlfriend?

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