Chapter 1

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Piper's P.o.V.

"Oh, come on! You have to admit they didn't used to be this way!" I cried, glaring at the black haired boy across the table from me.

"You're right, they didn't, but people change Piper! Cheating changes people!" He replied, twisting a blue noodle around his fork.

"But not this dramatically! What if something is wrong with them?"

"Nothing is wrong with them! It's been twenty years."

"Agree to disagree?"


It'd been six months since Percy Jackson and I had started dating. Six months since the whole Ace fiasco. And in these six months, Jason and Annabeth had progressively become more and more insane about breaking apart the two of us.

I found it suspicious, and if an onion could posses an army, then something could be wrong with Jason and Annabeth.

Unfortuanly, Percy was not convinced.

I finished up the grilled cheese I was eating and stood, leaving Percy and his third plate of blue pasta.

Our camp had grown since we'd taken in Ace's ex-army. Several of the cabins had needed expansions, and the tables in the dining pavilion had practically doubled.

Preston, one of the soldiers, and Jenna Yarjis, Demeter cabin's enthusiastic leader, had recently started dating, and they were the cutest couple. Sure, they had met when Preston stabbed her, but it was more like love at first stab.

The two of them were always together, so I was confused when I saw Preston running towards me, with no Jenna by his side.

"Piper!" He called, out of breath. "You need to see this!"

I followed the brown haired boy back the way he'd came, behind a newly renovated Cabin 12 and into the wood. Jenna was crouched behind a tall Maple tree, peeking out at two figure. The first I recognized as Annabeth.

She was down on her hand and knees, pecking the dirt with her face, just like the second figure, a feathery chicken was doing.


The three of us stood and watched her for a while, silently hiding behind various trees. When she finally stood, she shook her head like a dog, and painted a smile on her face.

Then walked out of the forest without a word.

"That was the strangest thing I've seen all day." I said, to the couple.

"Tell me about it."

We started walking back towards the camp, when my foot caught on something and I went tumbling to the ground.

Jason Grace was lying across the path, his feet up in the air, twitching like a rooster without its head.

"And suddenly, it comes in second! What the Hades is going on?"


Hello dear friends. It is your friendly neighborhood Willow with the first chappy in her exciting new book/sequel.

This chapter will be dedicated to Saima2003. It was their comment on the last chapter of my first book that made me laugh so hard I decided to write a sequel!

Read, Love, Enjoy.

If you don't enjoy, you must buy me chocolate :-)

Fowl Hearts; Maybe We Do Need the Blondes ----(Percy Jackson fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now