Chapter 17

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"Hey, you! New kid!" Hudson jumped and whirled around. He hadn't even heard Maria sneak up behind him. "What are you doing?"

Hudson quickly hid the box behind his back. "Nothing!"

That wasn't true. Hudson had been going through the Chicken Lord's stuff to try and see if he could reverse the change from human to chicken. Caught like a deer in the headlights, he didn't really know what to do.

"Are you-" she stretched to try to see behind him, "Are you going through dad's stuff?"

"No! Of course not! Why would you think that?" Hudson said, a little frantically, but still pretty smooth.

"Because you're holding his box!" Maria grabbed his arm and twisted, causing him to drop the box with a loud clang.

"What? This box? This belongs to your dad?" Hudson tried to laugh, but Maria's glare killed it.

"It says his name on the side, idiot!"

Hudson looked down.

Property of the Chicken Lord


"I wasn't looking through it, I swear! I thought someone misplaced it, I was going to give it back." Hudson lied, smoothing down his hair with the one arm that wasn't twisted painfully.

"Yeah, and I'll believe that when a god compliments my shirt."

"Lay off him Maria." said another voice, and Hudson saw Brandon walk into the light.

"I don't have to listen to you, peasant." She snapped.

Brandon rolled his eyes, and gave Hudson a look. "Girls, am I right?"

Maria gave him a glare that would peel paint.

"Look, we know that you're a spy for Camp Half Blood."

"No! No I'm not!" Hudson yelped.

"Chill, we're not gonna turn you in to dad or anything." Maria said, letting go of Hudson's arm. "We're trying to bring him down too."








"You mean, you've got people in the warehouse too?" Percy asked.

"Yep," replied Reyna. "Our first was Brandon, and he convinced Maria to join our cause. It was pretty easy, because she really hates her dad."

"How long have you known about the whole, swapping bodies thing?"

"Only as long as you have. The first time either Maria or Brandon took part in an operation was on Leo."

"So that's what happened to our versions of Jason and Annabeth." I said. "It makes sense."

Once Reyna had finished telling us her side of the story, Percy and I curled up on the couch together.

"So, when all this is over, we'll have Jason and Annabeth back, won't we." Percy commented, drawing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Yeah, it'll be weird for them, having missed so much." I replied, sleepily.

"Yeah." We lapsed into silence for a moment.

"Do you think they'll be the same as before?" Percy asked.

"They've been chickens for years. I honestly doubt it." I said.

"Do you think-" Percy paused. "Are you going to- Will you and Jason-"


"Are you going to get back together with Jason and leave me?"

I sat up and glared at him.

"You idiot. Of course not!" I cried. "We've been through so much together, how could you even ask that?"

"I just thought that-"

"Nope. Stop thinking so much. There's a reason everyone calls you seaweed brain remember?"

"Are you saying I should just become a zombie?"


"Squidding! Squidding!"

Percy looked as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

"You're such a dork." I muttered lying back down.

"Only for you."



Check out my new story: The 7th Year (Pipercy)

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