Chapter 21

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Percy's P.o.V.

As Piper happily embraced Leo, I tried not to be jellyfish. It was ridiculous I know, she was just hugging a friend, but the animal part of me wanted to keep her all to myself. 

"Percy, stop making that weird duck face and get over here and hug me!" Leo snapped at me, holding his arms out. I complied. 

"So what was it like being a chicken?" Piper asked once the hugging had stopped. 

"It was a eggscruciating." Leo replied.

"Was it really that fowl?" Piper asked.

"First a couple of mother cluckers cut out my heart. Then I was stuck inside of the body of a chicken. Do you know how small their brains are?!" Leo exclaimed.

"It was probably an upgrade for you." Calypso snorted.


"Hey is for horses, Chicken Boy." She snapped.

"Anyway, then I was trapped in a bird cage and put on top of a giant wooden block lined up to all the other chickens. I believe it was called the cock block." Leo continued.

Piper whacked him over the head for that.

"Once per day, the chick who was the Chicken Lord's daughter would come and wrap us in a cord and take a picture of us with a blue background to make sure we weren't showing signs of turning back into humans. She kept a whole book of these chicken cord on blue pictures." Leo said, wiping away a fake tear. "It was an HENious crime."

"Yes it was." Calypso agreed. "So don't you ever scare me like that again." 

"Yes ma'am." Leo saluted her. 

"Now onto the next problem." I said. "Jason and Annabeth. How do we find a true love's kiss for them."

"That's easy." Leo said. "It must be the two of you."

"US?!" Piper and I shrieked at the same time.

"Yeah," he said. "You two were their true loves when they were turned into chickens, so you have to be the answer."

Piper looked at me uneasily. "I haven't been in love with Jason in a long time." She said.

"But they don't know that. Give it a chance! Bring back our friends." Leo urged.

"But-" I started.

"Suck it the cluck up, peasant! I just kissed a chicken for this man," here Calypso gestured to Leo who mouthed 'I'm a man!!' at me, "and you are too chicken to do it for your friends. Yes, they do have fowl hearts, but maybe we do need the blondes." Calypso said. 

I sighed. "Before we do this I have something to say." I turned to Piper. Her beautiful eyes widened. "No matter what happens after this, no matter if Annabeth and Jason come back exactly as they were 20 years ago, no matter if you decide Jason will be a better boyfriend, I just want you to know that I love you Piper."

She smiled the hugest smile I'd seen in a while and leaned in to kiss me. "I love you too Shark Bait. Let's go wake up our friends."




Hey all! What is up?

If you had not noticed, I have started another story (OMG, another story, what is wrong with you? You must have no life Willow, geez! You don't even update this one very often!).

It is an AU Pipercy story in high school (yes, one of those stories. Deal with it.), and it is staring the lovely Piper McLean. Here is the description:

New student Piper McLean causes quite the uproar when she moves into private school Strawberry Fields. Not only is she drop-dead gorgeous, but she also has a secret. 

 Her goal is to stay invisible, hiding behind ratty t-shirts and jeans, but that becomes impossible when she catches the eye of the schools popular 6, and their leader, Percy Jackson, in particular. 

 Caught up in the kerfuffle she does her best to stay afloat but when her secret comes into light and when she causes a rift in the popular 6, will she keep on floating? 

 Or will she sink under the rising tide?

Fowl Hearts; Maybe We Do Need the Blondes ----(Percy Jackson fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now