Chapter 11

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Piper's P.o.V.

"So an army of chickens is two miles out. We're going to infiltrate their base and rescue Leo." Percy explained, his voice filling the entire dining pavilion. "Hudson, stand up. Hudson here, has been peer pressured into doing the actual infiltrating, which means if the chickens sniff him out as a spy, they will take his heart, or whatever."

"To prevent that from happening, we're treating this as a quest. It will essentially be a three person mission, Hudson will go in, the other two will be responsible for the information he finds out, and for making sure he gets out if things get flaky." I added, grabbing a piece of popcorn out of Percy's bowl on the table.

"We'll take volunteers and stuff during dinner, which you can get back to, NOW!" Percy ended with a loud shout that made me jump, spilling his popcorn all over the floor.


Percy gave me a look, but his lips quirked into a smile when he saw my pout. "Popcorn just isn't your friend is it?"

"Shut it Shark Bait."

"You shut it."

"No you shut it."

"No you shut it."

"No, you shut it."

"No, you-"


Percy froze mid sentence.

"Now, if you guys are done flirting, I'd like to volunteer for the quest."

The girl standing in front of us had long brown hair and Percy green eyes. She had bronze glasses on that looked slightly nerdy and dangerous at the exact same time.

Percy cleared his throat embarrassedly. "Yes, what's your name?"

"Allie Fouch, daughter of Athena, at your service." She replied, shaking my hand studiously, then Percy's.

"Nice to meet you Allie. Why would you like to go on this quest?" I asked.

"Well, I haven't done any quests yet, and so I thought, since Annabeth is my sister and all, and she's definitely mixed up in all this, why not try to help her?" She replied, adjusting the glasses on her nose and smiling.

"Good reason." I replied. "You're in."

"Yay!!" SHe did a little happy dance.

"Report to the Big House tomorrow after breakfast, and we'll get you set up." Percy told her.

"Awesome! See you guys then!" She wondered off, a big grin on her face.

"Are we sure it was a good idea to hire someone who's never been on a quest before?" I asked, twirling spaghetti around on my fork.

"Yeah, she can handle herself. I played capture the flag with her back in chapter four of our first adventure." Percy replied. "She stuck up to Annabeth like a pro-Annabeth-sticker-upper."

"Strange wording, but okay." I replied, stuffing the noodles into my mouth.

"Wow Piper, that was polite." I looked up to see another girl standing in front of us. I recognized her as Travis and Conner's sister.

"Oh hew Wohawwa" I tried to say around my mouthful.

"Yep, you and those manners are," she paused and crossed her fingers, "tight. So so tight."

She giggled as I swallowed. "Hey Johanna."

"I'm here to apply for the quest!" She sang, "My favorite brother Conner says that I'd be absolutely perfect for it, so I'm here to show him that I totally am."

Johanna rolled her eyes.

"Conner still giving you a hard time?" I asked.


"What? But you just said that he was your favorite." Percy looked confused.

"Sarcasm. Conner is a bitchhorse, and thinks that I'd screw this quest up if I went on it, so I want to bring my A-game and show him wrong!" She punched the air a few times and grinned. "Besides, I always want to spend more time with my favorite Gods!"

"Well," Percy gave a hair flip, "in that case, you're in."

"Sweet!" Her smile grew impossibly wider. "Thank you both, so much!!!!"

"Big House after breakfast tomorrow. Don't be late!" Percy called after her as she skipped away. She turned around skipping backwards to wave, the turned front again and vanished.

"That was easy." I said.

"Where's my wallet?" Percy asked.




Thank you to @infinitysprinkles456 and @Demigod-Youtuber. Allie and Johanna belong to/are them respectively.

Keep reading to find your character! ;)

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