Chapter 18

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Percy's P.O.V.

The plan was coming together.

Johanna and Allie were working together for once, talking with Hudson who was still in the warehouse.

Hudson, Brandon, and Maria had deceived the Chicken Lord into thinking that they were going grocery shopping while instead they were setting him up.

Piper and I had geared up in our battle armor, getting ready to storm the warehouse. Reyna and her two warriors Reilly and Austin were looking very intimidating in full Roman battle armor.

The Chicken Lord was going down.

With a click of the fingers, I teleported the seven of us to the warehouse. It smelled awful, like a barn that had never been cleaned.

As we approached the doors, the smell got worse, and we could also hear something mumbling. When I pushed the doors open we were all shocked.

The floor was covered in chickens. There wasn't a bare patch anywhere to be seen! And all the Chickens were mumbling something. As I stepped inside, every beedy chicken eye turned to me and the mumbling got louder.

"Percy Jackson! I want your heart!"


"Ah, Percy Jackson." a nasally voice cut through the chickens. I looked up to see a homely man wading through the mass.

My companions slipped through the doors behind me and the Chicken Lord grinned sinisterly.

"I see you brought friends."

"I see you brought chickens."

"These chickens are my friends."

"And these friends are my chickens."

"Wait what?" I heard Piper say. "Percy, if anyone here is a chicken, it's you."


"Yes, you always smell fowl."


"I know I am."

"Excuse you! I'm trying to be an evil villan here! Why is nobody appriciating it?!" the Chicken Lord screeched.

"Oh sorry, please continue." I replied.

"Yes. Thank you. I-"

The Chicken Lord was cut off when he was hit from behind with a metal pipe.

Fowl Hearts; Maybe We Do Need the Blondes ----(Percy Jackson fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now