Chapter 12

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3rd Person in the chicken lair

"Maria, have you prepared the specimen?" He asked, his whiny voice grating on her ear-drums.

"Yes, but I prepared him because I wanted to, not because you told me to." She replied, tossing her hair. Maria towered above the short man, the daughter of Nike one of his two closest, and only, advisors. She had always been rebellious and that was the one trait of her that irritated him the most. "The specimen is with Brandon now."

"Good." He said, picking up the closest Chicken to him. The barn was filled with them, so they weren't hard to find. "Go and tell him that I am ready to begin the procedure."

As Maria wondered off, the Chicken Lord took the chicken he was holding, and strapped it to a medical table that he kept around just for strapping his specimens to. Soon Maria returned, followed by the brown haired boy, Brandon.

They were toeing a tied-up demigod, and as they came into the light, Leo Valdez's face was illuminated.

"Good, strap him to the table." Instructed the Chicken Lord, smirking at the son of Hephaestus. Leo let out a groan of protest, but was to weak to do anything. The Chicken Lord's attendants had injected him with some kind of drug that made his head loopy.

As Maria and Brandon complied, the Chicken Lord grabbed his book titled, The Lord Of Chicken's Big Damn Chicken Book, and flipped to chapter three titled, How To Swap The Hearts Of A Chicken And A Humanoid Without Resulting In Death.

"First, take your scalpel and make an incision in the left foot of each subject." The Lord of Chickens read aloud.

Maria grabbed a scalpel out of the box labeled, The Lord Of Chicken's Box Of Stuff For Doing Evil, and quickly made an incision in the left foot of both of the specimens on the table.

"Then, disinfect each incision, because infection will result in death of both of you specimens."

Brandon quickly disinfected both of the bloody feet.

"Now, take a chain saw and cut into the heart cavity in both of your victims." Instructed the Chicken Lord.

"What? Ew no!" Brandon protested, and Maria nodded in agreement.

"DO IT!" Screeched the Chicken Lord.

Turning slightly green, Maria picked up the chainsaw out of The Lord Chicken's Box oF Stuff For Doing Evil, and turned it on. She hesitantly held it to the Chicken on the table's chest and pressed down. Feathers flew everywhere, but Maria carefully cut out its heart.

Once the job was done, she handed the saw off to Brandon and ran off to go throw up.

Brandon carefully cut out Leo's heart.

"Now, In order to not result in death," The Chicken Lord cried, still reading from The Lord Of Chicken's Big Damn Chicken Book, chapter three, How To Swap The Hearts Of A Chicken And A Humanoid Without Resulting In Death. "You must disinfect each heart you cut out because infection will kill both of your specimens."

Maria had returned in time to perform this step, as Brandon ran off to have his turn at puking up his guts.

"Once you have fully disinfected the Hearts, swap them." The Lord of Chickens instructed, and Maria pulled out a large pair of barbecue tongs out of The Lord Chicken's Box oF Stuff For Doing Evil. She carefully swapped the hearts, putting Leo's heart in the Chicken, and the Chicken's heart in Leo.

"Now press the cuts you made on the left foot of each specimen together. This will allow their blood to flow into each other and help not result in death."

Brandon reappeared to do this.

"The holes should now start to close up by themselves, but to help this happen faster, recite the Chicken Praise. C-H-I-C-K-E-N, that is the way you spell CHICKEN!!"

The three evil chicken doers began to chant this over and over. "C-H-I-C-K-E-N, that is the way you spell CHICKEN!! C-H-I-C-K-E-N, that is the way you spell CHICKEN!! C-H-I-C-K-E-N, that is the way you spell CHICKEN!!"

Slowly at first, then faster the hearts began too attach them selves to their new bodies, and the holes in their chests began to close. Soon, Leo sat up blinking.

"How do you feel, Leo?" The Chicken Lord asked, silencing the chanting.

"I'm not Leo, I'm Irving." The chicken who was possessing Leo's body said.

The chicken on the table sat up with a loud squawk. Leo was now trapped inside the Chicken's body, and the Chicken was now in complete control of Leo's.

"Good, it worked." The Chicken Lord said, grinning evilly. "This is the third influential member of Camp Half Blood we've switched out for a chicken. The first two were successful in driving out Percy Jackson and Piper McLean. Just imagine what this third one will do for us!"




The song on the side in the Chicken Praise. I do not own the Chicken Praise, it belongs to David Holt

Thanks to @thefandompreator and @Fanpeeps_Of_PJO_1D. Maria and Brandon belong to/are them respectively.

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