Chapter 15

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Hudson knocked boldly on the barn door. He was concealing his nervousness, and was ready to prove that he was a powerful demigod too, not just good at soccer. 

When the barn door creaked open slowly, he felt the swarm of butterflies in his stomach turn into an angry flock of toucans. 

A tall girl poked her head out around the door and glared at him.

"What do you want?" She snapped, her eyes assessing him for any sign of a threat. 

"I'm here to see the Chicken Lord." He responded as confidently as he could, as the toucans inside of him turned into carnivores and started to eat his stomach. In an instant, the girl had a sword to his throat.

"How do you know about the Chicken Lord?" She snarled, the hostility radiating off of her in waves. 

"Be vague." Allie's voice crackled through his tiny earpiece. "Tell her that you've heard about him from gossip or something."

"I've heard about him. Word on the street is, that he bagged himself three of the seven most powerful demigods in existence." Hudson replied. "Now can I come in?"

The girl gave him another hard glare, before ushering him in, her sword trained on him the entire time. 

The interior of the barn was sparsely decorated. It was dirty and not well lit. The first room he encountered was large and open, with a stage area against the wall across from him. The stage had lots of medical equipment on it, and it gave Hudson a bad vibe. Beside the stage was a long hallway leading into the darkness, and that is where the girl led Hudson.

There were seven doors that lead off the hallway. The girl stopped at the first one and knock. 

"Maria, what do you want." called a nasally voice from inside. 

"You've got a visitor Chicken Lord," The girl called back. "He wants to see you."

"A visitor?" There was a commotion and a thud as though something had fallen over, before the door was flung open. The man that stood there was not at all what Hudson had expected the Chicken Lord to look like. He was short and mostly bald, with a few hairs hanging on for dear life on top of his head.

His teeth were yellow and crooked, sticking out of his mouth at strange angles. His eyes were beady and black, constantly darting everywhere. His nose was squashed, but flared out at the nostrils, allowing Hudson to see a few stray nose hairs. The Chicken Lord's ears were large and stuck out a fair distance from his head. He had a bulging stomach, that pushed at the buttons on the dirty white shirt he was wearing. The shirt was tucked into a pair of brown shorts that allowed Hudson to see his knobby knees. His enormous feet were encased in a pair of sturdy black boots. 

The Chicken Lord reminded Hudson more of a rat that of a Lord. 

"What do you want, boy?" The Chicken Lord demanded, his breath washing over Hudson, making Hudson wonder if the Chicken Lord knew what toothpaste was.

"I've heard about your operation." Hudson replied, "and I want in."

"Why should I hire a son of Apollo like you?" The Chicken Lord demanded, strutting closer to Hudson, and looking up at him with a challenging glare.

"Because I used to be a Camp Half Blood, and I know what they are up to." Hudson replied, trying not to gag at the halitosis emitting from the Chicken Lord.

"We've already got a Camp Half Blood veteran." The Chicken Lord said dismissively. 

"I know Camp Half Blood's leaders personally, and could be your double agent." Hudson offered, his toucan nerves staring up again.

"THAT-" The Chicken Lord shrieked, making Hudson practically jump out of his skin. "-is exactly what I need! YOU'RE HIRED!" 

"Milord, did you think this through-" The girl who'd led Hudson in started.

"YES, MARIA! I thought it through thoroughly. Now, go introduce-what's your name boy?' THe Chicken Lord turned to Hudson.

"Oh. Hudson sir." Hudson replied quickly.

"Yes, Hudson. Go introduce Hudson to Brandon and play nice. He's your new co-worker."






Piper and Percy will appear in the next chapter, I promise! I'm just trying to get the story moving a little faster.

I promise, the next update will not take nearly as long as this one did!!

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