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Beep Beep BEEP BEEP!

I raise my hand and hit the button on the clock, I didn't sleep all night in fear that Cal would find me and try to kill me, just like he promised he would. Since I couldn't sleep, I decided to get ready before the alarm went off, I even packed a suitcase with half of my stuff in it. I hopped off the bed and grabbed my coat from the closet, I then grab my suitcase by the handle and began hauling it behind me as I make my way downstairs.

I laid my suitcase against the couch and waited for Claudia to come down, after about 20 minutes I hear her come down the stairs. "You ready?" she asked as she grabbed her coat off the armrest. "Ready to die or try to make my escape?" I asked, I grabbed the handle of the suitcase and began following her out the door. After I loaded the suitcase in the backseats, I walk to the front passenger seat and seated myself. Claudia started the car and pulled onto the road, I sat there lost in thought, Was this the best decision? Hell yeah, I'm not gonna be someone's damn puppet.

After driving for a while, the car comes to a stop outside of the Civic Defense Resources Department. Claudia and I got out of the car then walked through the front doors. Inside was huge and had a lot of officers walking about. " Go take a seat on that bench while I go get Aleksey," Claudia said before walking off to the front desk. I walked across the room, sat on the bench, and waited. While I was waiting, I looked across the room and saw a couple of policemen eyeing me, I suspect that they might be in league with Cal Yevgeny.

After a few seconds, I see Claudia and another woman walking towards me, I got up off the bench and extended my hand towards her. " Hi, I'm Yelena," I said as I shook her hand. " I'm Captain Osvold or Aleksey, anyone works. So, Claudia already filled me in, you've been in contact with Cal Yevgeny recently" Aleksey said, " Yeah, he's threatened to kill me so that's why I am seeking to enter witness protection" I answered. " Okay, Claudia has already given me the necessary information needed over the phone last night, your documents are already done so your escorts should be here within the hour" Aleksey stated. " Thank you so much," I said.

"No thank you, now we have more information on how to catch that psychopath," Aleksey said, " Yeah" I answered. " Excuse me," Aleksey said before walking off, Claudia then turns towards me. "Well, hopefully, they don't give us some boring Identities," Claudia said, "Wait, you're coming with me!?" I asked excitedly. " of course, what kind of best friend would I be if I left you alone to deal with this" Claudia said be nudging me. " Thanks," I said before pulling Claudia into a hug, "Do you know where the restroom is?" I asked Claudia, pulling away from the hug.

She pointed me in the direction, as I made my way in the direction I was given, I noticed one of the Policemen following me, I was hoping he would. I quickly get into the restroom and hid behind the door, as soon as the policeman walked in, I grabbed onto his head and slammed it into the sink nearby. I grabbed his head and said, " Cal sent you, didn't he? well when you wake up you call him and tell him this. I'm not afraid of you so bring it on motherfucker!".

" W-wait I'm confused, you said when I wake up?" The policeman asked confusingly. " I know what I said" I answered, I lift his head once more and slam it into the sink again, knocking him out. I got out of the bathroom and made my way back to Claudia; she turned towards me and noticed a disturbed look on my face. " What happened?" Claudia asked, "I just bashed some fool's head into a sink" I responded. "What- why?" Claudia asked. I was about to answer when I saw Aleksey and some men walking towards us. " I'll tell you later, our escorts are here".

A few minutes later...

Claudia and I are currently in a car and on our way to live our new lives, our escorts handed us folders and explained to us what's gonna happen, apparently, we are gonna live in Romania.

"So, my new name is Lipa Albu?" I asked, "Yes, that name will ensure that you fit in nicely with the Romanian culture," Julia said, she's one of the escorts. "It's not as bad as Relia Fischer," Claudia said as she kept reading her file. " We'll be at your new homes in about 4 hours, so I suggest you get comfy" Julia said. Well, this is gonna be a long ride.

4 hours Later...

After driving for hours, we finally arrive at our new home. We stood outside of a house that is painted white with a black roof, gates, and door. As we entered, we look to our right and there was a living room with couches and a tv. and to our right was a set of Cable rail stairs that led to the bedrooms. More forward into the house was a small kitchen to the right and a dinner table set to the left.  After talking with the escort for a couple of minutes they finally left, as soon as the door was shut, Claudia and I ran all around the house like little children, after a while, we tired ourselves out.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower and head to bed," I told Claudia, " Goodnight, don't let the mafia bugs bite" she replied with a huge grin on her face. I ran up the stairs and into my new room. I step into the bathroom and begin stripping away the fabric of clothing from my exhausted body. After showering for a good while, I walk out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. I walk over to the small drawer in my room and opened it.

" You didn't really think you could hide from me, did you darling?" A voice said, I quickly snap my head and look in the direction I heard the voice, I saw Cal sitting on a chair that was in the dark corner of the room. I grabbed the closest thing on the dresser which was a hairbrush and pointed it at him.

Cal got up and slowly began walking towards me, " I really enjoyed that message you sent me, I was a little shocked when I saw what you did to one of my men." Cal said. "Back the fuck away from me" I hissed at him. Suddenly Cal grabbed the hairbrush out of my hand and looked me dead in the eyes.

" Or what huh?" He said looking deep into my eyes, I knew for a fact that he knew that I was scared. " You think you're tough? that little flicker of confidence you have in you can be easily taken, just as fast as it was given" Cal stated. Cal went up to my ear and whispered, " You know, I hate it when people don't listen to me and I thought we had an understanding, Yelena".

Cal snaked his hand up my arm and began to firmly press in my wound, making me wince in pain. "So why did you go to the cops when I asked you not to?" Cal whispered. I just stood there, too stunned to speak or even move. " We're you scared? Are you afraid of me Yelena?" Cal asked.

Cal pressed his hand deeper into my wound and whispered, "Answer me". "Yes," I managed to say. Cal pull away from my ear and looked me in the face. "You see Yelena, I'm not a bad person and I can prove that. I am willing to give you one last chance," Cal said before lifting his hand and gripping my face, making me look him in the eyes.

" But the second you open your fucking mouth and tell the police or your friend anything, I will not hesitate to put a bullet through your heart, do you understand?" Cal asked as he moved his face closer to mine.

"Yes, I understand" I answered, " Good because I would hate if you didn't, then I'd have to do something about it," Cal said before releasing my face. " I'll be in touch," Cal said before walking out of my room. What the hell just happened asked me, I'm fucked, I'm so fucked I thought to myself.

This guy has me wrapped around his fingers and I can't do shit about it.

His Sovereignty: A Mafia's Obsession| To Be ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now