<b><p id="new_timeline"

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"Okay, Claudia go stick by Irina's side. Inessa and Stefan, I'll see you both in the security room to collect the cards. Ian get out so It doesn't seem suspicious" Cal orders. "Got it" we answer.

Cal's POV

"Cal? Cal? snap out of it"

Suddenly I was pulled back to reality, was I daydreaming? "Cal, get in here now" Ian says.

I walk away from the crowd and into the security room, "Here you go" Ian says, I take the cards from his hand. Just then the door opened, revealing Stefan and Inessa. "What's the plan?" Inessa asks, I hand the card to Stefan and then walked them out the door. "Just follow my lead," I say. We walk beyond the crowd and then up the stairs, as we were getting close to the fourth door, I noticed an armed guard standing there.

I pull out the card and then pressed it against the scanner, Ian did the same thing. The door opened and we were about to walk in, "Where's her card?" the guard questioned. "She doesn't work here," I say, "The guys beyond this door ordered a special service," Ian says. Inessa had an angry look on her face but quickly changed it once the guard looked at her. "Fine just go," the guard says, we walk through the door, and before us was another set of stairs. After the doors closed, we pull out our weapons and then loaded them. I take the lead and slowly proceeded forward, I peek around the corner and saw a huge room with a table in the middle, A guy sat in the middle seat with his back facing towards us. It must be Alistair, "Okay there are about 5 guards, Inessa take out the three left one's, Stefan deal with the guards that'll come in and I'll do the rest," I say.We all nodded in agreement, Inessa and I run out and began shooting. As soon as I took care of the two right guards, I shoot the guy in the middle straight through the head. I go to look at the victim's face but it wasn't Alistair

"Fine just go," the guard says, we walk through the door, and before us was another set of stairs. After the doors closed, we pull out our weapons and then loaded them. I take the lead and slowly proceeded forward, I peek around the corner and saw a huge room with a table in the middle, A guy sat in the middle seat with his back facing towards us. It must be Alistair, "Okay there are about 5 guards, Inessa take out the three left one's, Stefan deal with the guards that'll come in and I'll do the rest," I say. We all nodded in agreement, Inessa and I run out and began shooting. As soon as I took care of the two right guards, I shoot the guy in the middle straight through the head. I go to look at the victim's face but it wasn't Alistair.

It was a trap, just then something hard hit me in the back of the head. I fell to the ground then slowly lose consciousness. A sudden stinging sensation against my face cause me to wake up from my slumber, there he stood, Alistair. "You're alive, and If you wanna keep it that way I suggest you do as I say" Alistair said, I look to my left and saw that the others were awake, gaged and strapped into their seats.

"You have 15 minutes to call Jay and tell him to transfer all your fortune, operations, drugs, weapons and everything that makes you Cal Yevgeny, to my account". "And why the hell would I do that?" I mutter. "Does your life mean nothing to you? I'm being really nice" Alistair explains.

God, I miss Yelena right now, things would be different if she was here with me right now.

Yelena's POV

I can't believe I'm doing this, I'm currently parked right outside of Göteborg Casino, contemplating whether getting off that plane was the right choice. I get out of the car and approached the entrance, The door was wide open and from what I can see, there was an unconscious guard lying there. I step over his body and analyze the scene.

The place was a total shit show trash with a bunch of unconscious people on the floor, I stoop down to the unconscious guard's body and removed the gun from his waist. I reloaded it then held it Infront of me before proceeding forward.

His Sovereignty: A Mafia's Obsession| To Be ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now