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"So explain to me again why we're going to church? Not that I have anything against god but-", "Because according to Mother Nature, That's where Tobias is hiding" Cal explains. "Right, what happened to her after the accident?" I ask, "I took care of it". "Cal...", I flattened the back half of my dress and took a seat on the edge of the bed.

"What did you do?" I ask once more, Cal stood in front of the tall mirror, fixated on typing the tie around his neck and under his risen collar. "You killed her, didn't you?" , "She caused harm to you, I couldn't let her get away with that". "It was an accident-"

"That she caused," Cal says, "No, you caused it. You put me in a position that I wasn't ready for" I uttered. "I was trying to bring out the best in you" Cal grabs his coat and was about to storm out of the room, "It still didn't give you a reason to take her life. You might not realize it but you are manipulative as fuck!" I shouted. Cal comes to a halt at the door, "I did it for you" he turns around and slowly took steps towards me.

"Can't you see, Yelèna?" He asks, Cal slides the palm of his hand across my cheek. "I tell you what, we'll take care of Tobias and when we get back, I'll make it up to you okay?", Just then I felt a small sting on my neck. I was too busy staring into Cal's mesmerizing eyes to pay it any attention.

"Sounds good" I answer, he placed a small kiss on my ear before grabbing hold of my hand. "Let's go, everyone's waiting". We both exit the room and went down the stairs. We go outside and saw everyone in their most appropriate clothing for this event, we all got in the car and were ready to go to the last place I thought we would.


We arrive at the parking lot in front of the church, I got out of the car and straightened my dress. "How do I look?" I ask, I was wearing a Galadeal Classy Black Dress Vintage Swing Dress Fit and Flare. "Sinless" Cal answers. Everyone else except Ian got out of the car, he was gonna go and find a better parking lot.

I think, hopefully, he won't ditch and head to the bar around the block.

"Okay when we get inside, I don't wanna hear any swearing or anything that god would approve of. Understand?" I ask, "Okay, mom," Stefan says. We walk through the double doors and looked around, It was mostly packed with people but there were a few empty seats in the back. After we all took our seats I turn to Cal and say, "Whatever you plan on doing, we gotta do it when all these innocent people aren't here".

"Yeah. There's Tobias at the podium" Cal says, we all look ahead and looked at the so call "Pastor". He had a black long hairstyle, brown eyes, cupid lips, and somehow a tattoo sleeve. Pretty damn hot if you ask me. "This the hottest priest I've ever seen," Claudia says, "Amen hallelujah," Irina says.

"Would everyone please stand?" Tobias says, everyone else except Cal got up. I turn to yell at him but then noticed a gun peeking out of his jacket. "You brought a gun to a fucking church!" I whisper yelled, the old woman who sat across us turned and looked at us with a terrified look on her face. She quickly returned her attention to the front of the church once her gaze met Cal's.

"Tobias won't come willingly with us so I brought it in case I need it," Cal says, "Just get up so no one has a reason to look at us". "Fine" Cal rose from his seat, I thought that he was just gonna watch as the events before us unfolded, but instead, he did what I least expected him to do.

Cal proceeds to whip out his gun and fire a round of shots at the ceiling, everyone was startled and then began screaming. "Everyone get out, I need a moment with our dear pastor here," Cal says, everyone grabbed their children and belongings and then fled out the double doors. I slap Cal's shoulder and asked "What the hell are you doing!? Shooting up a church- what are you high?", "This is the quickest way to do things".

"Well, what a lovely surprise" We look to the front of the church and saw Tobias holding a bible, "You know Cal, I don't think God approves of you being here," Tobias says. "Well tough shit, I'm-"

"Don't care, it's better if you leave now before you make me do something I probably won't regret" Tobias says, suddenly 4 tall men came from the side doors and stood alongside Tobias, They were all armed with guns. Irina, Stefan, and Claudia then proceed to reveal their weapons. "Really Claudia? Why don't I get a gun?" I say.

"Obviously we have a problem here Cal, how about we put down the guns and settle this like criminal's huh?" Tobias inquires, " Only if your men relinquish their weapons" Cal answers. "I'll do you one better" Tobias reaches into his pocket and pulled out a remote. After hitting a button, Tobias's men drop their weapons and grabbed onto their heads, they began screaming before dropping to their knees in agony. Tobias hits another button then boom, the heads of Tobias's head explode. Blood and brain matter painted the walls and banners around Tobias.

"I haven't had that much fun in a while," he says, "You planted a bomb inside their heads," Stefan says. "Yeah big woop, now drop your weapons" Tobias commands. Cal slowly points the gun at the floor before tucking it into his pants, the others then relinquished their weapons."Why are you here Cal?" Tobias slowly advances towards us, "You and Alistair out of my way, we can go back to the days when we didn't cross each other's path".

"I would agree with that except you're forgetting one thing, you killed my brother. I don't think I can quite move past that Cal".

"I don't know what you've been told Tobias, but I had to do it. He was in my home and holding the people I care about hostage, of course, I had to do something" Cal explains, "That's not what I heard"

Tobias stood one step away from Cal, Tobias cast his gaze upon me. "And who's this?", "She's no one, stop trying to change the topic" Cal replies. In a trice, Tobias Pulls out a gun and points it at my head, Cal was about to take out his but was immediately stopped by Tobias.

"Any of you make a move and she's dead" he utters, "Here's what's going to happen, you are going to hand over every cent, dime, drugs, operations, and guns you have. Until then I will be keeping this young lady hostage. You'll have 50 hours to do so, Is that clear?", "Yes," Cal answers. Tobias grabs my arm and then pulled me to his side, he holds the loaded chamber to my head while slowly backing out the exit.

Once we were a few steps from the door, Tobias shoves me across the parking lot and to a white car. "Aww, did you forget about me?" I look in the reflection on the window and saw that Ian was holding a gun to Tobias's head. I let out a quick breath before stepping away from the car and behind Ian, Tobias quickly turns around and aims but couldn't proceed any further, for Ian had pulled the trigger of his Glock which lodged a bullet in Tobia's dome.

His body stands still for a few seconds before falling to the ground, Just then we hear the others rush out of the church. "What the hell happened!?" Irina asks, Cal sprinted towards me and gave my body a tender hug. "Are you okay?" he asks while looking all around my body for any signs of injury. "I'm fine, thanks to Ian" I turn around and give Ian a small hug.

"Thank you" I muttered, "Don't mention it". "Guy's, the police are gonna be here any second, we gotta go," Claudia says. "Yeah, let's go".

His Sovereignty: A Mafia's Obsession| To Be ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now