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After a couple of minutes, Cal and I were back at his mansion. I quickly got out of the car and headed inside the house, the others weren't back and I didn't want to be alone in such a big house so I waited for Cal to come in, which he did after a couple of seconds.

He walks past me and heads up the stairs, I guess that he's going to his office. I walk up the stairs and decide to stay in Claudia's and I's room until she returns.

I was busy watching something on my phone when I saw a message notification pop up, I clicked on it and noticed that the contact name was "Pretty Boy". I knew it was Cal.

Pretty Boy: Come to my office.

Yelena:  Cal, how and when did you get my phone number?

Pretty Boy: I think I'm gonna keep that to myself.

Yelena: And why did you put your contact name to be "Pretty Boy"?

Pretty Boy: I'm only stating the obvious.

Yelena: So what name do you have under my contact?

Pretty Boy: Just come to my office, Yelena.

Yelena: Fine "ugly boy"

I put my phone in my pocket then get up from the bed, I head out the room doors and began heading to Cal's office. I open the door and saw that he was sitting on the edge of his desk with his gaze set on the phone in his hands. Hot.

"What do you want?" I asked, "Do you have to have an attitude every time you talk to me?" Cal asked before looking up at me. "Because of you, I'm forced to be here. So I get to talk to you any way I see fit" I said to Cal.

"Well get ready to drop it because we're going to an auction event and I need you to be on your best behavior," Cal announces. "Well, tough luck. Do I need to wear some silly ass dress again?" I ask.

"Yes, it's right there," Cal says while pointing to the couch, I approached the couch and took a look at the dress. It was a Navy Blue Floral Jacquard Wrap Midi Dress

"I'm not a kid, I'm more than capable of choosing my outfits," I said, "You have a poor taste in clothing and you'll where whatever I say," Cal lets out, "Whatever Mr.Yevgeny," I say.

"What time does this event begins?" I ask, "At 9 pm," Cal says, "Okay until then, I'll be in my room," I said while walking away, I could feel his gaze pierce my back as I walked to the door. I grabbed the door handle then looked back, and sure enough, he was staring at me. He then quickly diverted his eyes to his phone.

Oh, so he was checking me out.

I step out of his office and slowly close the door behind me, oh he wants something to look at, I'll give him something to look at.


After a few minutes, I hear some chatter coming from downstairs, which means that Claudia and the others are back. A few seconds pass by then the door opened, revealing Claudia holding three shopping bags.

"Hey Yelèna, how'd it go with Cal today?" Claudia asks as she set the bags on her bed, "He got me in some deep shit, he made it look like I was his accomplice and that I bombed a restaurant. He claims that the people inside weren't good but I don't care and now I think I'm a wanted criminal" I explained.

"Well fuck, I didn't expect you to say that," Claudia says worriedly, "Yeah, and I didn't expect that to happen either. And now the both of us are going to an Auction tonight." I said.

His Sovereignty: A Mafia's Obsession| To Be ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now